Crown Chakra Crystals: 11 Healing Stones for Protection And Spiritual Growth

Vivify Tribe Founder

Nia MacKenzie, MSc Psychology

Discover the power of 11 Crown Chakra crystals, including Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Sugilite, Lapis Lazuli and more, to heal and balance your spiritual energy. Learn how to incorporate these healing stones into your daily life for protection, growth and peace.

Crown chakra crystals are typically violet or white in color

Of the seven chakras in the body, the crown chakra is regarded as the highest and master healer of our psyche. It represents our relationship with God and controls our ideas, beliefs, and consciousness. The crown chakra can be balanced and strengthened to promote spiritual development, a deeper sense of inner calm, and divine guidance. In this article, we’ll look at 11 crown chakra crystals that can help the crown chakra reach its full potential and foster both spiritual development and protection.

Understanding the Crown Chakra

One of the seven major energy centres in the human body is the crown chakra, commonly referred to as the Sahasrara, which is Sanskrit for thousand-petalled. As the name suggests, the crown chakra is located at the top of the head, and, as the highest chakra, it is our connection to the higher realms. 

The crown chakra enables us to tap into the universal higher consciousness, achieve better understanding of the world order, gain wisdom, and feel at one with the world. It is the wellspring of all spiritual energy.

Purpose of the Crown Chakra

When the crown chakra is open, one is at inner peace, and is capable of spiritual growth and achieving a closer relationship with the divine, ultimately reaching enlightenment.

The crown chakra enables people to feel more inner calm, understanding, and a stronger sense of purpose in life. This can lead people to embrace their spirituality and embrace the guidance of the spiritual world. The emotional impact of such connections will leave people feeling more love, compassion, and emotional stability. Physically, having an open and balanced crown chakra can help with stress management, mental clarity, and general well-being.

Color of the Crown Chakra

Violet and white are the colors connected to the crown chakra, which is also represented by the thousand-petalled chakra symbol. They represent enlightenment, higher consciousness, and union with the divine. It is thought that violet helps to foster spiritual consciousness, inventiveness, and creativity. White, on the other side, stands for harmony, spirituality, and purity.

These colors can be employed in meditation, visualization, and other spiritual practices to help balance and open the crown chakra. This is why many of the healing stones we will explore below are also in those colors.

Crown Chakra Imbalances

Stress, trauma, negative thought patterns, and a disconnect from one’s spirituality are just a few of the things that can lead to blockages and imbalances of the crown chakra. Negative ideas, such as feelings of unworthiness or a lack of purpose in life, can also have a detrimental impact.

The emotional signs of an unbalanced crown chakra include: 

  • Feelings of alienation and loneliness
  • Boredom
  • Confusion
  • Lack of purpose
  • Depression

The physical symptoms of a dysfunctional crown chakra include:

  • Headaches
  • Exhaustion
  • Poor coordination
  • Nervous system disorders

Addressing the underlying causes of the imbalance and making adjustments to foster a sense of connection, calm, and spiritual fulfillment are crucial if you want to balance the crown chakra.

What are the Benefits of Using Healing Crystals for Your Crown Chakra?

The high vibration of healing crystals connects with the energy centers of the body, creating a unique connection that enables the exchange of wisdom and energy derived from the crystals’ connection to the earth. There are numerous advantages to using healing crystals for the crown chakra, including:

  • Channeling the wise powers of the spirit guides and the spiritual world
  • Lowering stress and anxiety to achieve inner peace
  • Improving mental clarity
  • Enhancing intuition and psychic abilities
  • Protecting against negative energy

By harnessing these positive benefits, crown chakra crystals can not only help to bring the chakra back into balance but support its normal functioning and help you lead a rich and fulfilling life.

11 Best Crown Chakra Crystals

We have compiled a list of the best stones for crown chakra healing. Find out what they are and thier main advantages below:

1. Amethyst 

Amethyst helps to quiet and soothe the mind, fostering spiritual awareness and supporting meditation techniques, which are good for the crown chakra. It is known to:

  • Compliment and strengthen the power of spiritual practices
  • Promote inner peace and calm
  • Protect against bad influences and purify intentions
Amethyst eases anxiety and stress, enhances intuition, and promotes spiritual growth
Amethyst eases anxiety and stress, enhances intuition, and promotes spiritual growth

2. Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is good for the crown chakra because it amplifies energy and encourages knowledge and spiritual development. Some of its main benefits include:

  • Amplified intentions and manifestation abilities
  • Connection to the higher self, opening the heart and mind
  • Healing and focusing energies, aiding meditation and spiritual practices
Clear quartz helps to boost energy, clear negative influences, and manifest desires
Clear quartz helps to boost energy, clear negative influences, and manifest desires

3. Sugilite

Sugilite is a helpful stone for the crown chakra as it fosters inner serenity and spiritual awareness, allowing for a stronger connection to the divine. Other benefits of sugilite include:

  • Spiritual protection and comfort
  • Better insight and intuition
  • Resilience
Sugilite improves emotional stability and helps to overcome negative emotions and difficult situations
Sugilite improves emotional stability and helps to overcome negative emotions and difficult situations

Credit: the justified sinner

4. Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli serves to promote self-expression and personal power, fostering greater self-awareness and understanding. It can also: 

  • Facilitate spiritual insight
  • Stimulate the mind
  • Improve focus and mental clarity
Lapis lazuli improves communication, supports spiritual insight, and wards off psychic attacks
Lapis lazuli improves communication, supports spiritual insight, and wards off psychic attacks

Credit: Cobalt 123

5. Selenite 

Selenite helps to purify and balance energy, which benefits the head chakra by fostering mental clarity and a connection to the divine. It is a great tool when it comes to: 

  • Opening up a connection to the angel realm where contact with one’s guardian angels can guide one to discovering a more purposeful life path
  • Attracting integrity
  • Supporting mental clarity
Selenite is known as the 'liquid light' that helps to shift energy into one of positivity and happiness
Selenite is known as the ‘liquid light’ that helps to shift energy into one of positivity and happiness

Credit: Parent Géry

6. Howlite

Howlite serves to increase spiritual development and awareness while calming the mind and easing stress, making it a good stone for the crown chakra. Howlite can:

  • Reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and anger
  • Open the mind
  • Encourage patience
Howlite encourages patience, balances emotions, and improves sleep
Howlite encourages patience, balances emotions, and improves sleep

Credit: James St. John

7. White Agate

White agate is good for the crown chakra because it fosters spiritual development and clarity, enabling a closer relationship with the divine. It is also known to:

  • Improve concentration
  • Facilitate logic and reason
  • Encourage personal and spiritual growth
White agate balances the male and feminine energy within the body and helps to purify the body from toxins
White agate balances the male and feminine energy within the body and helps to purify the body from toxins

Credit: James St. John

8. White Calcite

White calcite helps to purify and regulate energy, which benefits the crown chakra by fostering mental clarity and a connection to the divine. White calcite:

  • Cleanses the spirit
  •  Enhances self-awareness
  • Provides emotional balance and stability
White calcite clears negative energy, improves motivation, and enables personal development
White calcite clears negative energy, improves motivation, and enables personal development

Credit: Robert M. Lavinsky

9. Lepidolite

Lepidolite stone is advantageous for the head chakra since it lowers tension and anxiety while promoting spiritual awareness and emotional stability. Its main benefits are:

  • Promoting emotional stability
  • Relieving stress and promoting calmness and relaxation
  • Encourage awakening of the mind and soul
Lepidolite has balancing powers that soothe tnesion and help to harmonize the soul, body, and mind
Lepidolite has balancing powers that soothe tension and help to harmonize the soul, body, and mind

Credit: Robert M. Lavinsky

10. Labradorite

Labradorite is good for the head chakra because it stimulates the mind and heightens spiritual consciousness, fostering increased self-knowledge and wisdom. Labradorite is also known to: 

  • Shield the aura
  • Improve intuition and psychic abilities
  • Enhance self-expression
Labradorite is one of the most powerful protection stones
Labradorite is one of the most powerful protection stones

Credit: Awiejekeal

11. Charoite

Charoite benefits the crown chakra by fostering spiritual development and enhancing spiritual awareness, enabling a closer relationship with the divine whilst also appreciating the perfection of the present moment and cherishing life. Charoite is also: 

  • Known as the stone of transformation
  • Align internal energy to enable enlightenment
  • Balance blood pressure by helping overcome anxiety and tension
Discover the power of 11 crown chakra crystals, including amethyst, clear quartz, sugilite, lapis lazuli and more, to heal and balance your spiritual energy. Learn how to incorporate these healing stones into your daily life for protection, growth and peace.
Charoite has energising powers, helping the mind to overcome negativity

Credit: KellyBarsdell26

Ways to Incorporate Crown Chakra Crystals Into Your Life

Crystals for the crown chakra can be used in a variety of ways to assist balance and open this energy area. Some great examples of using them are:

  • Meditation: Holding a crystal helps strengthen your spiritual connection. Whilst meditating, you can also try to utilize crown chakra affirmations to set your intention and focus on the right area for healing
  • Wear as jewelry: You can keep the energy of a crown chakra crystal close to you all day long by wearing the crystal as jewelry, such as a pendant or earrings
  • Use in combination with other healing modalities: Using crown chakra crystals as part of reiki, aromatherapy, sound healing using solfeggio frequencies, etc., can help to strengthen and complement the healing powers of each method
  • Gridding: Making a crystal grid in your home can help to amp up their energy and encourage chakra balance

You can tap into the energy of Crown Chakra stones and promote your general spiritual development and well-being by incorporating them into your daily life in a variety of ways.


How do I calm my crown chakra?

The sense of serenity and tranquility that comes from meditation can be particularly beneficial for soothing the crown chakra. You can calm this energy area by concentrating on the crown of the head and imagining a brilliant, white, or violet light shining down on it or emanating from the area. Keep your focus on the light and breath whilst chanting or repeating your goal for meditating.

Where should amethyst be placed?

Amethyst should ideally be positioned on the crown of the head during meditation to open and align this energy area. You can also place it near your head while sleeping or in the home, near places you work, to calm you during stressful moments and harmonize the energy in your home.

What is the crown chakra associated with?

The thousand-petaled lotus is linked to the crown chakra. It stands for the realization of enlightenment and the emergence of spiritual consciousness. The crown chakra is also associated with colors like violet and white which symbolize purity, spiritual energy, and the divine. The Om symbol is also closely associated with the crown chakra, as it stands for the ultimate reality and consciousness that the crown chakra can help unlock.

What does it mean if you have an overactive crown chakra?

An overactive crown chakra is caused by a chakra that is over-stimulated and out of balance. It is associated with feelings of disconnection from the body due to over-focusing on the spiritual world, confusion, worries, and restlessness. It may also result in a lack of empathy, feelings of superiority toward others, and intolerance.

How do I activate all 7 chakras in my body?

You can utilize a combination of physical, mental, and spiritual methods to open up all 7 chakras in the body. Start by concentrating on each chakra separately while employing particular colors, sounds, smells, and movements. For instance, you can meditate while visualizing the corresponding color, do yoga positions related to each chakra, and use essential fragrances related to each chakra. Additionally, you can perform actions that stimulate each chakra, such as deep breathing for the heart chakra or the sacral chakra, or recite particular chants associated with each chakra. Then, progressively work your way up through the energy centers until you reach the crown chakra.

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Nia MacKenzie

Founder & Curator

Nia graduated from the University of Surrey with an MSc in Psychology. Her greatest passion is the mission to inspire people to unlock their true potential, which is why she dedicated her time to the creation of Vivify Tribe.

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