Heart Chakra Crystals: 10 Crystals to Unlock Love

Vivify Tribe Founder

Nia MacKenzie, MSc Psychology

Heart chakra crystals can help you attract love and connect with others on a deeper level by increasing your capacity for compassion.

Heart chakra crystals infuse love and harmony into your life

The heart chakra is the fourth chakra in the body, also known as Anahata in Sanskrit. It is situated in the middle of the chest and is linked to the way we experience feelings, love, and compassion, love.

Heart chakra crystals are a strong instrument that can help open and align the chakra or channel its energy. This post examines ten crystals that can open your heart and draw unconditional love into your life. These crystals, which range from Prehnite to Rose Quartz, can help you access your inner wisdom and infuse love and harmony into every aspect of your life.

Understanding the Heart Chakra

Located in the center of the chest, close to the heart, the heart chakra (Anahata) is one of the seven main energy centers in the human body. Anahata, meaning “unhurt” or “unstuck” in Sanskrit, conveys the idea that this chakra is the source of compassion and unrestricted love. 

To locate your heart chakra, place your palm over your heart and inhale deeply. You might experience a pleasant, tingling sensation or a feeling of serenity and tranquility.

Because it is in our core, the heart, and our basic emotions, the heart chakra is regarded as one of the most significant chakras. While an unbalanced heart chakra can result in emotional instability, marital issues, and a lack of love and compassion, a balanced heart chakra can promote feelings of compassion, love, empathy, forgiveness, and joy, which will result in a more fulfilling and peaceful life.

Purpose of the Heart Chakra

The heart, lungs, circulatory system, and immune system are all thought to be governed by the heart chakra. There are several advantages to having an open and balanced heart chakra throughout life, including:

  • Emotional balance: Balanced emotions can assist in controlling emotions, reduce stress, and ease anxiety. The heart chakra is especially interconnected with emotions like compassion, love, and inner peace.
  • Harmonious relationships: Connections can be improved with the help of a balanced heart chakra by bringing more love and compassion into personal and professional relationships.
  • Increased self-love: When the Heart Chakra is open and in balance, one will experience greater love and self-acceptance, resulting in higher levels of self-esteem and confidence.
  • Better physical health: Because the heart chakra controls the heart and circulatory system, it is possible to increase physical health and wellness by keeping the heart chakra balanced.

The Color of the Heart Chakra

As well as being used in the heart chakra symbol – the twelve-petalled lotus, green is the color associated with the heart chakra. Green is naturally associated with growth, harmony, and balance. It represents our connection to the natural world.

When it comes to the heart chakra, green reflects the equilibrium and stability required for good emotional connections. It is also linked to healing, signifying the Heart chakra’s contribution to improving mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Green is especially important for connecting with the heart chakra. As part of setting the intention for their meditation practice, one should visualize a green light emanating from the heart and illuminating the entire body while meditating.

Many of the heart chakra crystals in our list are also green. This strengthens the connection between the crystals and the heart chakra, facilitating energy flow between the two.

Heart Chakra Imbalances

Several things can lead to imbalances and blockages in the heart chakra, including:

  • Traumatic events: Emotional traumas, including losing a loved one or ending a relationship, can create emotional pain and distress, resulting in blockages in the heart chakra.
  • Negative self-talk: The heart chakra can be impacted by negative self-talk and self-criticism, which can result in emotions of self-doubt and low self-esteem.
  • Stress and anxiety: Chronic stress and anxiety can hurt one’s emotional health and can unbalance the heart chakra.
  • Relationship difficulties: Heart chakra blockages can be caused by issues with communication or conflict in both personal and professional relationships.

The following are some of the emotional and physical signs of a misaligned heart chakra:

  • Emotional instability: Mood swings and an inability to control emotions
  • Lack of love and compassion: Feelings of loneliness and isolation
  • Relationship issues: Conflicts and communication issues can arise in relationships
  • Physical symptoms: Chest pain, palpitations, and breathing difficulties

10 Best Heart Chakra Crystals

Using crystals to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit is based on the theory that they have special physical and energetic qualities that can be utilized.

It is thought that the vibrations and frequencies of crystals correspond to various chakras, organs, and bodily systems. The crystals transmit their energy and vibrations to the relevant regions of the body. 

As such, heart chakra stones are powerful energy healers best used as complementary therapy in heart chakra balancing or simply transmitters of the chakra’s loving energy into your life. 

Here is our list of the best heart chakra stones and their benefits:

1. Rose Quartz

Some of the therapeutic benefits of this pink crystal include:

  • Referred to as the ‘stone of unconditional love‘ – fosters feelings of love, empathy, and self-love
  • Provides calming and soothing energy that can aid in reducing anxiety, tension, and emotional distress
  • Calms the mind during tough times of grief, divorce, or breakup
  • Frequently used as a sleep aid
  • Improves the condition of the skin and hair by enhancing circulation and clearing pollutants
Rose quartz helps to balance the heat chakra by calming the mind and encouraging feelings of love and empathy
Rose quartz helps to balance the heat chakra by calming the mind and encouraging feelings of love and empathy

2. Rhodochrosite

The benefits of Rhodochrosite for the heart chakra include: 

  • Aids emotional healing, especially for people who need to release fear or need to heal from emotional trauma
  • Reduces anxiety and stress: contains a relaxing energy that can aid in reducing anxiety and tension while encouraging sensations of tranquility and peace
  • Hass a positive impact on the circulatory system, assisting in improving circulation and supporting general heart health
Rhodochrosite promotes emotional healing by reducing anxiety and stress
Rhodochrosite promotes emotional healing by reducing anxiety and stress

Credit: James St. John

3. Prehnite

Among prehnite’s therapeutic qualities are: 

  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Reduces stress and anxiety and enhances sleep
  • Frequently utilized in meditation techniques to facilitate communication with more elevated spiritual realms and to strengthen intuition and inner knowing
  • Provides peace and protection to the mind
Prehnite balances the heart chakra by helping to facilitate communication, reducing stress and anxiety
Prehnite balances the heart chakra by helping to facilitate communication, reducing stress and anxiety

Credit: Robert M. Lavinsky

4. Amazonite

Amazonite is said to help in: 

  • Bringing harmony and balance to the mental, emotional, and physical bodies enhancing general well-being
  • Channeling one’s inner courage and strength, reducing fear, and facilitating the start of new adventures
  • Known as the ‘stone of hope,’ it is thought to make those who use it feel optimistic and maintain a positive attitude toward life
  • Supporting the throat chakra as well by enhancing self-expression and communication, encouraging confident and clear speech
Amazonite helps to channel one's inner courage and hope, which enables the healthy functioning of the heart chakra
Amazonite helps to channel one’s inner courage and hope, which enables the healthy functioning of the heart chakra

Credit: Cobalt123

5. Malachite

Malachite promotes: 

  • Positive perspectives, increased vitality, and optimism
  • Love, healthy relationships, and emotional health
  • Protection against psychic attacks, which also deflects negative energy
  • Immune system health, including boosting physical health, especially in cases of digestive or respiratory problems, and assisting the immune system
  • Greater imagination and intuition, enabling one to access their inner wisdom
Malachite encourages positivity, love, and protection against negative energy, facilitating heart chakra balance
Malachite encourages positivity, love, and protection against negative energy, facilitating heart chakra balance

Credit: Robert M. Lavinsky

6. Green Jade

Some of jade’s healing powers include: 

  • Enhanced tranquility and inner peace
  • Beneficial for bladder or kidney problems
  • Improved intuition and inner understanding, which foster creativity and access to one’s wisdom
  • Attracts wealth and good luck, bringing prosperity and abundance
  • Promotes emotional harmony
Green jade promotes heart chakra health by attracting peace, inner knowledge, and good luck
Green jade promotes heart chakra health by attracting peace, inner knowledge, and good luck

Credit: Mauro Cateb

7. Emerald

Emerald is especially powerful when it comes to: 

  • Fostering unconditional love and relationship improvement – it is also known as the ‘stone of successful love’
  • Enhancing both physical and mental well-being by lowering tension and anxiety
  • Supporting the eyes and enhancing vision, especially in cases of eye strain or eye tiredness
Emeralds support heart chakra health by fostering unconditional love and relationship improvement
Emeralds support heart chakra health by fostering unconditional love and relationship improvement

Credit: Mauro Cateb

8. Rhodonite

Rhodonite has a balancing energy that can help to:

  • Control emotions, lowering anxiety and stress
  • Increase mental focus and clarity, which can help with decision-making and problem-solving abilities
  • Reduce physical pain and promote healing, especially in situations of inflammation and skin problems
  • Boost immunity
  • Connect with the root chakra
Rhodonite increases mental focus, reduces physical pain and helps to control emotions, thereby contributing to heart chakra balance
Rhodonite increases mental focus, reduces physical pain and helps to control emotions, thereby contributing to heart chakra balance

Credit: Carles Milan

10. Green Calcite

Green calcite can aid in:

  • The healing of emotional wounds, lowering tension, anxiety, and despair
  • Emotional regulation, enhancing interpersonal interactions, and encouraging self-love
  • Easing discomfort and supporting the immune system
  • Increasing mental focus and clarity, which can help with decision-making and problem-solving abilities
Green calcite is beneficial for the heart chakra by helping to heal emotional trauma and improving personal relationships
Green calcite is beneficial for the heart chakra by helping to heal emotional trauma and improving personal relationships

Credit: David Lofink

11. Unakite

Unakite is a great tool when it comes to: 

  • Lowering stress, anxiety, and sadness while also fostering emotional balance and well-being
  • Enhancing reproductive health by regulating menstrual cycles, easing period cramps, and easing menopause symptoms
  • Promoting spiritual development, self-awareness, and connecting the wearer with higher states of consciousness
Unakite is connected to the heart chakra and benefits it by promoting spiritual development and emotional balance
Unakite is connected to the heart chakra and benefits it by promoting spiritual development and emotional balance

Credit: Ra’ike

Other Heart Chakra Crystals Worth Considering

  • Uruguay Amethyst: Emotional healing, calming energy, spiritual awareness
  • Aventurine: Luck, abundance, grounding energy, 
  • Chrysoprase: Alleviates depression, anxiety, and tension, chances creativity and self-expression
  • Green Tourmaline: Physical healing, overall well-being, reduced stress and anxiety
  • Pearl: Connects to the crown chakra, emotional stability
  • Aquamarine: Emotional balance, enhanced communication, and self-expression
  • Kunzite: Pink stone with calming properties; connects to the third eye chakra and promotes inner wisdom

How to Use The Heart Chakra Crystals  

There are a number of ways to harness the aura of love of heart chakra crystals:

  • Wearing: The heart chakra can be continuously and directly influenced by wearing a heart chakra crystal as jewelry, such as a pendant or ring.
  • Meditation: You can concentrate your attention on opening and balancing this energy center by holding a heart chakra crystal in your hands or resting it on your chest. A lot of practitioners think that using crystals while meditating on them can help to strengthen one’s intention and focus, which can provide better outcomes.
  • Gridding: By placing crystals that connect with the heart chakra in a grid, you can boost the balance and healing of the heart chakra by amplifying their therapeutic effects and protecting against negative energy.

Other Methods for Channeling the Energy of the Heart Chakra

In addition to utilizing stones, there are other ways to open and balance the heart chakra:

  • Yoga and physical activity: Specific yoga poses and physical activities can help to activate and support the balance of the heart chakra.
  • Breath exercises: Deep breathing exercises and controlled breathing techniques, such as pranayama, can help open and balance the heart chakra.
  • Aromatherapy: Rose, jasmine, and lavender essential oils can assist in balancing and opening the heart chakra.
  • Sound therapy: The heart chakra can be balanced and activated by listening to specific sounds, such as singing bowls, solfeggio frequencies, or natural noises.
  • Affirmations: You may balance your heart chakra by repeating affirmations about love, self-love, and compassion. Learn more about heart chakra affirmations and how to use them in our comprehensive guide.


What is the best stone for heart issues?

Due to its association with love, compassion, and emotional healing, rose quartz is regarded as one of the greatest stones for heart-related ailments. It is considered to help heal emotional wounds, encourage self-love, and draw in love and healthy relationships. It is thought to have a calming and soothing effect on the heart.

What is the best crystal for heart opening?

Due to its capacity to aid in opening and balancing the heart chakra, green calcite is thought to have a relaxing and soothing impact on the heart. It can aid in letting go of bad feelings like anger and fear that could prevent the heart chakra from opening up. Furthermore, Green Calcite is said to assist in creating tranquility and peace, which can help to balance the heart chakra and advance general well-being.

What frequency opens the heart chakra?

Because it is linked to love and compassion, 639 Hz is regarded as one of the best frequencies for the heart chakra. It fosters love and connection, which can help balance the heart chakra and advance general well-being. It is also an effective frequency for fostering healthy relationships, communication, and understanding.

What is the best crystal for healing heartbreak?

Because of its grounding and soothing qualities, malachite is regarded as one of the best crystals for overcoming heartbreak. This stone is thought to support emotional recovery by assisting the release of negative emotions. Malachite is also regarded as a safeguarding stone that can help prevent future heartache and emotional pain. This can encourage a sense of hope and positivity and aid in releasing negative emotions like bitterness, resentment, and anger frequently connected to heartbreak.

Which stone is best for health issues?

Because of its adaptability and therapeutic qualities, clear quartz is considered one of the best for health problems. Clear quartz harmonizes the body, balances energy, and enhances general wellness. It can treat various health issues, including boosting the immune system, lowering inflammation, and easing pain. Additionally, clear quartz is said to boost spiritual awareness and foster mental clarity, which can aid in addressing the underlying causes of physical health problems and fostering general well-being.

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Nia MacKenzie

Founder & Curator

Nia graduated from the University of Surrey with an MSc in Psychology. Her greatest passion is the mission to inspire people to unlock their true potential, which is why she dedicated her time to the creation of Vivify Tribe.

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