Sacral Chakra Crystals: 10 Stones to Inspire Creativity & Passion

Vivify Tribe Founder

Nia MacKenzie, MSc Psychology

Sacral chakra crystals help balance emotions and the mind, and bring the potential to unlock your artistic side and spark your passion for life.

Sacral chakra crystals can energize your creativity, passion, and general well-being

Our capacity for pleasure, desire, and creative expression is governed by the sacral chakra, which is situated in the lower belly. This chakra can improve our emotional stability, sexuality, and artistic expression when it is balanced and open.

Crystals and gemstones can stimulate the sacral chakra and aid its normal functioning. Read on to find out what are the best sacral chakra crystals that can energize your creativity, passion, and general well-being, as well as finding out helpful tips on how to utilize the crystals to accelerate your spiritual and personal development, whether you are a novice or a seasoned crystal user.

Understanding the Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

The second chakra in the body is the sacral chakra, also known as the Swadhisthana.  The name of the sacral chakra originates from Sanskrit, where “Swa” means “self” and “Adhisthana” means “dwelling place.”

The idea of the chakra system, and specifically the sacral chakra, has been a part of Hindu and Buddhist culture for a very long time. However, the late 19th and early 20th centuries are when the contemporary Western understanding of the chakras first emerged. As more people in Western culture have developed an interest in spirituality, personal development, and holistic health practices, the sacral chakra has grown in significance, mainly due to its capacity to regulate emotions, such as pleasure, joy, and creativity, as well as our emotional and sexual health.

Purpose of the Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is situated 2-3 inches below the navel in the lower abdomen. To find your sacral chakra, put your hands on your lower abdomen and concentrate on the feelings and sensations there.

Sensuality, creativity, sexuality, and emotions are all connected to the sacral chakra. It controls our capacity to experience pleasure, desire, and enjoyment in life. It is believed that sensations of pleasure, contentment and general well-being are enhanced by an open and balanced sacral chakra.

You may experience the following when the sacral chakra is open and balanced:

  • A greater sense of emotional stability and optimism
  • A better capacity to savor life’s pleasures and events
  • Improved intimacy and sexual connections
  • Increased artistic expression and creativity
  • Increased capacity to forgive and let go of unpleasant feelings
  • Greater energy, confidence, and self-worth

You can enhance your relationships, emotional health, and general quality of life by regulating the sacral chakra. In both your personal and professional life, it can assist you in expressing yourself with greater spontaneity, openness, and confidence. Additionally, it affects physical health and helps to control bodily processes like digestion and urination.

The Color of the Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra symbol if the six-petalled lotus, often represented in orange, making orange the color of the sacral chakra. According to popular belief, this color represents the energy and characteristics of the sacral chakra, including creativity, joy, sexuality, and playfulness.

It is thought that the Hindu tradition, in which each chakra is connected to a particular color, is where the relationship between the sacral chakra and the color orange first originated. The color orange is used in this culture to represent the element of water, which is linked to feelings, fluidity, and movement. A healthy and open sacral chakra is supposed to aid in promoting emotional stability and flow, which is why orange is associated with the sacral chakra.

Due to this association, many of the sacral chakra crystals you will encounter below are also orange in color. 

Sacral Chaka Imbalances

Imbalances of the sacral chakra can result from various factors, including stress and trauma and a lack of exercise or emotional expression. 

Examples of physical symptoms indicating a sacral chakra imbalance include

  • Physical discomfort
  • Decreased libido
  • Lower back pain
  • Hip and pelvic pain
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Kidney problems
  • Fertility problems

Examples of emotional symptoms indicating a sacral chakra imbalance include:

  • Disconnection and lack of motivation
  • Numbness, lack of emotions
  • Inability to tap into one’s interests and innovative ideas
  • Feeling trapped in rigid behavioral patterns
  • Relationship difficulties & difficulty keeping healthy boundaries
  • Low libido

10 of the Best Sacral Chakra Crystals

By giving you a link to the energy of the Earth and enabling you to access its healing potential, healing crystals can assist in balancing the sacral chakra. Because they are composed of natural elements that vibrate at various frequencies, crystals have therapeutic properties. These vibrations, when applied to or near the body, can aid in reestablishing harmony and balance.

Here are some of the best sacral chakra crystals which can aid in balancing the chakra but also enhance its normal functioning, helping you to feel more in touch with your sensual and creative side. 

1. Carnelian

Why is it helpful: Enhances passion, vitality, and motivation, making it easier to overcome challenges and embrace life’s pleasures

Carnelian boosts energy, motivation, and enthusiasm to balance the sacral chakra
Carnelian boosts energy, motivation, and enthusiasm to balance the sacral chakra

Credit: jaja_1985

Carnelian provides a number of therapeutic benefits, including boosting vitality, motivation, and enthusiasm

Because it is thought to improve imagination, originality, and self-expression by helping individuals overcome worries, fears, and other unfavorable feelings, carnelian is referred to as the ‘stone of creativity.’

2. Orange Calcite 

Why is it helpful: Encourages creativity, self-expression, and the release of emotional blockages

Orange calcite increases energy levels, creative expression, and optimism
Orange calcite increases energy levels, creative expression, and optimism

Credit: Anders Sandberg

Orange calcite is known for increasing energy levels, enhancing emotional well-being, and encouraging optimistic thinking, especially when going through difficult times. It is also thought to boost one’s creative and healthy, constructive emotional expression capacity.

In addition, orange calcite can support the immune system and assist with bodily difficulties like stomach troubles.

3. Citrine 

Why is it helpful: Boosts energy levels, promotes abundance, and enhances the joy of living

Citrine balances the sacral chakra by attracting happiness, joy, and greater self-esteem into one's life
Citrine balances the sacral chakra by attracting happiness, joy, and greater self-esteem into one’s life

Citrine is a wonderful crystal prized for attracting happiness, joy, and positivity into one’s life. It is frequently referred to as the ‘stone of abundance’ since it is said to draw prosperity, success, and fortune by tapping into the energy of the solar plexus chakra. It achieves this by increasing personal power and aiding in the manifestation of one’s aspirations and ambitions. 

Citrine is also well-liked among people seeking personal development and transformation because it is thought to foster self-assurance, self-esteem, and positivity.

Citrine is also beneficial for the digestive system, can strengthen the immune system, and enhance skin health. It aids emotional recovery from prior traumas and lessens the symptoms of anxiety and despair. 

4. Sunstone

Why is it helpful: Helps dispel self-doubt, encourages a positive outlook, and promotes emotional warmth

Sunstone heals the sacral chakra by supporting confidence and personal development
Sunstone heals the sacral chakra by supporting confidence and personal development

Credit: Ra’ike

Sunstone is well-known for its sunny, warm energy and its corresponding healing powers, which brings happiness and positivity to one’s life. Known as the ‘stone of leadership,’ sunstone is considered to encourage self-confidence, self-reliance, and personal development. Sunstone can enable individuals to accept themselves as they are while assisting them in overcoming feelings of insecurity, fear, and pessimism.

Sunstone is thought to enhance good digestion, strengthen the immune system, and assist with concerns relating to the reproductive system. It is also said to ease the signs of anxiety and melancholy and aid in emotional recovery from prior traumas.

5. Tiger’s Eye 

Why is it helpful: Encourages creativity and provides a stable foundation for emotional growth

Tiger's eye fosters strength, bravery, and individual willpower, which help to balance the sacral chakra
Tiger’s eye fosters strength, bravery, and individual willpower, which help to balance the sacral chakra

Credit: Simon A. Eugster

Tiger’s eye fosters strength, bravery, and individual willpower. It is frequently referred to as the ‘stone of the mind’ since it is thought to improve mental focus, clarity, and judgment. The use of tiger’s eye is thought to encourage individuals to embrace their talents and attributes while also assisting them in overcoming negative emotions like fear, anxiety, and negativity.

Tiger’s Eye is thought to support healthy eyesight, assist with digestive system problems, and ease pain and stress in the body. It is also associated with the third eye chakra

6. Amber 

Why is it helpful: Supports transformation, helps release stagnant emotions, and promotes a sense of protection

Amber balances the sacral chakra by facilitating physical healing, emotional balance, and spiritual development
Amber balances the sacral chakra by facilitating physical healing, emotional balance, and spiritual development

Amber possesses a warm, grounding energy that facilitates physical healing, emotional balance, and spiritual development.

Because it is said to support people through significant life transitions and personal growth, amber is frequently referred to as the ‘stone of transformation.’ Additionally, it supports emotional harmony, composure, and a sense of tranquillity. Amber enables self-acceptance and aids in overcoming emotions of stress, anxiety, and sadness.

Amber supports recovery from immune system disorders, maintains healthy skin and joints, and eases pain and tension in the body.

7. Orange Moonstone 

Why is it helpful: Assists in understanding and accepting one’s feelings

Orange moonstone promotes emotional balance, tranquility, and self-discovery
Orange moonstone promotes emotional balance, tranquility, and self-discovery

Orange moonstone is renowned for its comforting and nurturing aura, which promotes emotional balance, tranquility, and self-discovery. It connects the sacral with the heart chakra

Known as the ‘stone of emotional healing,’ orange moonstone aids the understanding and processing of emotions. Additionally, it supports emotional harmony, composure, and a sense of tranquillity by helping to restore emotional equilibrium and assisting individuals in comprehending and processing their feelings. This stone is also thought to bring grounding and stability into one’s life that opens up new beginnings and hope.

8. Goldstone  

Why is it helpful: Provides positive energy, shields against negativity, and enhances motivation

Goldstone increases desire and drive, enabling people to achieve their objectives and aspirations
Goldstone increases desire and drive, enabling people to achieve their objectives and aspirations

Credit: James St. John

Goldstone is a man-made crystal filled with bright energy and the healing potency of copper. It is known as the ‘stone of ambition,’ as it can increase desire and drive, enabling people to achieve their objectives and aspirations. 

Goldstone can help with circulatory problems, strengthen the immune system, and ease bodily pain and tension.

9. Aragonite Star Clusters

Why is it helpful: Aids in releasing stress and anxiety

Aragonite star clusters promote sacral chakra health by promoting stability and inner peace during challenging times
Aragonite star clusters promote sacral chakra health by promoting stability and inner peace during challenging times

Credit: James St. John

Aragonite star clusters are utilized frequently in crystal therapy because of their stabilizing and grounding qualities. They help to maintain equilibrium and concentration under stressful or chaotic circumstances. Additionally, they can encourage composure, stability, and inner peace while calming the mind and reducing tension and anxiety.

Aragonite star clusters are also claimed to aid in physical recovery, especially when it comes to problems with the skeletal system and bones. They are also thought to be beneficial for problems like headaches and neck discomfort that are brought on by stress and tension.

10. Tangerine Quartz

Why is it helpful: Encourages exploration of one’s passions and desires

Tangerine quartz supports sacral chakra health by fostering endurance, bravery, and resolve
Tangerine quartz supports sacral chakra health by fostering endurance, bravery, and resolve

Credit: Géry Parent

Tangerine quartz fosters endurance, bravery, and resolve, rightfully earning its reputation as the ‘stone of perseverance and strength.’ Additionally, it encourages optimism, excitement, and self-assurance, helping to banish pessimism and elevate one’s mood. Tangerine Quartz empowers people to accept their abilities and qualities while assisting them in overcoming feelings of fear, insecurity, and self-doubt.

Tangerine Quartz can benefit the digestive system, lessen signs of stress and anxiety, strengthen the immune system, and improve general health and energy.

Other Sacral Chakra Crystals Worth Considering

Whilst not a part of our main list, you should also consider the sacral chakra crystals below, as they, too can offer powerful healing benefits. 

  • Snowflake Obsidian – grounding, calming, protection
  • Amethyst – stress relief, spiritual growth, sobriety
  • Aragonite – grounding, stability, inner peace
  • Garnet – energy, passion, manifestation
  • Red Jasper – stability, grounding, emotional balance
  • Unakite – emotional healing, physical healing, balance
  • Rhodonite – healing of emotional blockages, self-worth, confidence
  • Peridot – abundance, growth, protection
  • Clear Quartz – clarity, energy amplification, programmability
  • Orange Aventurine – abundance, creativity, manifestation
  • Malachite – transformation, emotional release, protection
  • Agate – stability, grounding, emotional balance, leadership qualities; connects to the throat chakra

Tips for Using Sacral Chakra Crystals

  1. Cleanse and charge your crystals before use: Cleansing and energizing your crystals is important before utilizing them. This aids in clearing any negative energy and sets an intention for the crystals to assist in balancing a the right chakra.
  2. Use crystals in meditation: Including crystals in your meditation routine is a powerful technique for chakra healing. Holding crystals on or close to the chakra points during meditation might help to energize and balance the chakras.
  3. Wear or carry them: Crystals can also be worn or carried around to assist in keeping your chakras balanced throughout the day. You may, for instance, wear a carnelian bracelet or necklace to encourage the sacral chakra.
  4. Combine with other healing modalities: Combine crystals with other healing treatments to maximize their effects. Examples of such combinations include aromatherapy, affirmations for the sacral chakra, and sound healing using solfeggio frequencies.
  5. Be patient: Be consistent with your crystal practice and patient with the chakra healing process, which can take some time. The regular usage of crystals can assist in balancing the chakras and improve general well-being when combined with self-care and mindfulness.


What crystal is for root and sacral chakra?

Carnelian is a crystal that is frequently used for both the sacral and root chakras. While the sacral chakra oversees creativity and sexuality, the root chakra is in charge of stability and foundation. Carnelian is thought to help balance and stimulate both of these chakras, supporting self-expression and creativity while also fostering emotions of security and self-confidence.

What does it feel like when your sacral chakra is blocked?

A blocked sacral chakra can manifest in physical, emotional, and mental symptoms. Some common signs that the sacral chakra may be blocked include low energy levels, sexual dysfunction or decreased libido, emotional imbalances such as depression or anxiety, creativity blocks, infertility or menstrual problems, stiffness or pain in the lower back, hips, or pelvis, etc.

What are the symptoms of sacral chakra opening?

When the sacral chakra begins to open, you may experience various physical, emotional, and mental changes. Some common signs that the sacral chakra is opening include increased energy levels and a feeling of being ‘in the flow,’ improved sexual health and increased libido, greater emotional stability and self-expression, enhanced creativity and imagination, improved relationships and increased ability to connect with others, etc.

What organs are affected by the sacral chakra?

The sacral chakra is associated with the reproductive system, lower back, hips, and pelvis. Some of the key organs and body parts that are believed to be affected by the sacral chakra include the ovaries and womb (in women) and testes (in men), the lower back and hips, kidneys and bladder, and large intestine.

What emotion is the sacral chakra?

The sacral chakra is associated with sensuality, sexuality, pleasure, and creativity. It represents our capacity to experience and communicate our feelings, wants, and desires. This chakra is also related to how we relate to others, particularly our capacity for developing close personal attachments and intimate partnerships. We frequently experience self-assurance, creativity, and the freedom to express ourselves when the sacral chakra is in balance. Feelings of shame, guilt, and low self-worth are some examples of emotional problems connected to the sacral chakra.

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Nia MacKenzie

Founder & Curator

Nia graduated from the University of Surrey with an MSc in Psychology. Her greatest passion is the mission to inspire people to unlock their true potential, which is why she dedicated her time to the creation of Vivify Tribe.

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