Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is the foundation of all energy in the body. It teaches us how to feel safe and grounded. Learn more about the Root Chakra here.

Top Facts

  • Location: Base of spine
  • Element: Earth
  • Color: Red

The root chakra is the foundation of all other chakras and learning how to access its powerful energy can help you find more balance and clarity. This guide will provide a comprehensive insight into this important energy center – we’ll explore what it means, discuss common issues that arise when there’s an imbalance, and offer direction on how to restore harmony within the root chakra. Whether you’re brand new to energy healing or have some experience under your belt, keep reading to discover everything you need to know about understanding your root chakra.

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

As the first chakra in the body, the root chakra connects us to our physical environment. It provides us with a sense of stability and grounding and relates to our basic sense of belonging and needs.

  • Associated emotions: Security, safety, trust, fearlessness
  • Affected organs: Kidneys, lower back, muscles, bones
  • Corresponding sense: Smell
  • Beej mantra: Lam
  • Mudra: Muladhara
  • Yantra: Four-petalled lotus
  • Crystal: Hematite
  • Affirmation: I am safe
  • Spirit animal: Elephant

What is the Root Chakra?

The root chakra is the first chakra of the seven main energy centers in the human body. It comes from the two Sanskrit words – Mula meaning ‘root’, and Adhara meaning ‘foundation’. This means that the root chakra can be interpreted as the foundation of our life energy, also known as ‘prana’ in yogic traditions.

The root chakra lies at the base of the spine, near the pelvic floor, and helps one feel grounded in their physical self and connected to the environment. By connecting us spiritually to the earth, this chakra helps us tap into its natural healing energy – it provides us with direction and motivation in life, allowing us to undertake the tasks necessary for physical and spiritual growth.

Given its powerful association with the earth element, the root chakra acts as a connector between our body and physical plane, rooting us to the world around us and connecting our inner self to the natural rhythms of life. As such, it provides a sense of security in our lives, enabling us to form strong bonds with others and be part of a supportive and loving community.

The energy of this chakra helps us find a sense of home within ourselves, allowing for greater understanding and balance in all aspects of life. It encourages harmony between ourselves, the people around us, and all the wonders of the material world.

Meaning of Root Chakra Yantra – The Four-Petalled Lotus

The root chakra is the foundation of all energy in the body. It teaches us how to feel safe and grounded. Learn more about the root chakra here.
The four-petalled lotus

The root chakra symbol is the four-petalled lotus. Each of the lotus petals contains the Sanskrit letters vaschasha, and sa. At the center of the lotus is the seed syllable and also the beej mantra of the root chakra – lam. The earth element is represented by a square at the center and a downward-pointing triangle which symbolizes its grounding forces.

Root Chakra Functioning

As we face the daily challenges of life, the root chakra promotes feelings of safety, security, and patience by helping us find balance and stability. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, these are not only the basic needs any human needs met to survive but the pre-requisite to happiness and higher states of enlightenment. 

The root chakra also enables a sense of understanding that comes from trusting our own intuition rather than relying on things like material possessions for security. Ultimately, this allows us to have a higher level of self-awareness as well as acceptance of all experiences we face on our paths.

The root chakra has a direct connection to our survival instincts. When balanced, it works to regulate our connection with food, money, shelter, possessions, and the physical environment. 

When out of balance, we may experience fear and anxiety or an inability to move forward in life with confidence. Working on bringing the root chakra back into balance can help restore calm confidence while connecting us more deeply to ourselves and the world around us.

Root Chakra Imbalances 

When it comes to root chakra imbalances, fear, and mistrust are often the root cause. This fear can manifest in different ways, such as feeling disconnected from one’s sense of security and safety or a lack of emotional and physical abundance. This is explained by psychologist Erik Erickson’s stages of development. A child’s adult development and feelings of security in the world are heavily determined by their trust in their caregiver’s ability to meet their emotional needs. 

As the root chakra is associated with physical pleasure, repressed fantasies, childhood trauma, or other stressful life events can also lead to an imbalance, resulting in fatigue, frustration, and even depression.

The root chakra stores our ancestral memories, including things like war, natural disasters, disease, and generational difficulties, which can naturally predispose our root chakra to imbalances.

Emotional Symptoms

  • Insecurity
  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Panic attacks
  • Instability
  • Feeling disconnected or overwhelmed
  • Fear of change

Physical Symptoms

  • Fatigue
  • Lower back pain
  • Digestive issues
  • Leg cramps
  • Cold feet
  • Sciatica
  • Weight gain/loss
  • Bladder issues
  • Pelvic pain

Techniques for Root Chakra Healing

Healing the root chakra can help us find peace within our minds and hearts – we are prepared for whatever life throws our way, able to trust ourselves, and live with full confidence. Through root chakra healing, we learn to let go of fear and invite more positivity into our lives.


Meditation is a powerful tool for balancing the root chakra. It helps to ground the body and mind, allowing for a deeper connection with the Earth and the physical body. Meditation techniques for root chakra balancing include: 

  • Body scan meditation – Slowly bring your awareness to each area of your body, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. As you do this, mentally scan for any areas of tension or discomfort. Visualize a red light shining over any areas of tension and slowly relieving any stress, tension, or pain. Allow yourself to stay in the moment and be mindful of any sensations or thoughts that arise. When finished, take a few moments to feel the effects of the meditation, open your eyes, and slowly exit from your meditative state.
  • Pranayama – Pranayama is a type of yogic breathing technique used for meditation and healing. It involves controlling the breath in various ways to balance the body, mind, and spirit. For root chakra healing, a grounding pranayama technique can be used. To practice this, begin in a comfortable seated position with your spine tall and your hands on your knees. Close your eyes and begin to take long, deep breaths in and out through the nose, allowing your belly to expand when inhaling and contract when exhaling. Visualize a red light at the base of your spine and imagine that light radiating out with each breath. With each exhale, release any tension or fear that you may be carrying. Continue this for a few minutes, then slowly open your eyes and return to normal breathing.


Yoga is a great way to balance the root chakra, as it helps to ground the body and calm the mind. Yoga asanas, or poses, that are beneficial for root chakra balancing, include:

  • Mountain pose
  • Tree pose
  • Warrior I
  • Triangle pose
  • Seated forward fold
  • Half moon pose
  • Child’s pose. 

With each pose, focus on the sensation of your feet making contact with the ground and visualize a red light emanating from the base of your spine.


Affirmations are powerful positive statements that help root chakra balancing. Root chakra affirmations can help activate and balance root chakra energies. Examples of root chakra affirmations include: 

  • “I am safe and secure”
  • “I am connected to my body”
  • “I am grounded in the present moment”
  • “I am rooted in the Earth and connected to its energy”
  • “I trust my intuition and inner strength”
  • “I am open to the abundance of the Universe”
  • “I am strong and capable”
  • “I am grounded and powerful”
  • “I am safe and connected to the divine”
  • “I am secure in my home and life”

Chakra affirmations can be used for the healing of all 7 chakras.

Essential Oils

To use essential oils for root chakra balancing, start by adding a few drops of your chosen oil to an aromatherapy diffuser. Allow the oil to disperse into the air, and breathe in the scent deeply. You can also mix a few drops of your chosen oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil, and use it to massage your body and feet. Essential oils that are best for root chakra balancing include:

  • Patchouli
  • Sandalwood
  • Cedarwood
  • Rosewood
  • Frankincense
  • Myrrh

Crystals and Stones

Healing crystals are beneficial for root chakra balancing because they help to ground and protect the energy of the root chakra. You can use them during meditation by holding them in your hand, focusing on the stone’s energy, and visualizing it flowing through your body. Alternatively, gemstones can be placed around the house or worn in your pocket, as even their presence can have a beneficial effect. Gems that are best for root chakra balancing include:

  • Red Jasper
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Bloodstone
  • Hematite
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Obsidian
  • Garnet

396 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

396 Hz is a frequency associated with the Solfeggio scale, which is a scale of tones that was used in religious music in the Middle Ages. It is said to have a healing effect on the root chakra by helping to clear away any blockages and allowing its energy to flow freely throughout the body, and paving the way to our connection with a higher spiritual plane. This can help to bring a sense of inner balance, peace, and security.

Listen to Our 396 Hz Frequency Video to Heal Your Root Chakra

Root Chakra Mudras

Mudras are special hand gestures used in yoga, meditation, and other spiritual practices. The Muladhara mudra is specifically beneficial for the root chakra.

To do the Muladhara mudra, simply bring your hands together and interlace the pinky and ring fingers while keeping the middle fingers extended and touching. Then, interlace the index and thumb fingers so that they form rings around each other. 

Make sure to keep your hands relaxed and your elbows slightly bent. Hold this position for at least a few minutes while focusing on your breath and the sensation of the mudra. To deepen the effects of the mudra, you can also visualize a red light coming from the Muladhara energy center and spreading throughout your entire body.


Foods that help to balance the root chakra include root vegetables such as beets, carrots, potatoes, ginger, and turnips, as they are rooted in the ground and closely connected to their energy. Additionally, foods with red or orange coloring may also be helpful in balancing the root chakra.


How long does it take to open the root chakra?

It can take anywhere from a few days to several months to open the root chakra. The time it takes to open the root chakra is highly individual and will depend on one’s ability to re-connect with their body and earth. It is important to note that the process of opening the root chakra should be done slowly and gradually to ensure that the energy is balanced.

What happens when the root chakra opens?

When the root chakra opens, a person may experience feelings of grounding, stability, and security. They may also feel more connected to the physical world and their body, including an increased flow of energy throughout their body and awareness of their environment. They may also find that their confidence, motivation, and creativity improve.

What can I drink for the root chakra?

There are several drinks that can help to open the root chakra. Some popular options include red juice (such as pomegranate or cranberry juice), herbal teas (such as ginger or chamomile), and root beer. Additionally, you can add some ginger, cayenne pepper, or black pepper to your drinks and foods to help open the root chakra.