Understand Your Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): The Ultimate Guide

The third eye chakra, also known as the Ajna chakra, is an important energy center located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. This chakra is associated with intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insight and is said to govern the pineal gland, which regulates the body’s circadian rhythms and melatonin production. In this guide, we will explore the meaning, functions, and imbalances of this chakra and offer tips on how to balance and open it for optimal well-being.

Third Eye Chakra Key Characteristics

Chakra: Sixth

Sanskrit name: Ajna (to command, perceive, or follow) 

Function: Intuition, wisdom, spiritual insight

Emotions: Peace, humbleness, understanding

Shadow emotion: Illusion

Location: Between the eyebrows, at the center of the forehead

Organs: The pineal gland, eyes, ears, nose, and nervous system

Sense: Sight

Element: Light

Color: Violet/purple

Beej Mantra: Om/Aum

Mudra: Akasha Mudra

Yantra: Two-petalled lotus

Solfeggio Frequency: 852 Hz

Crystal: Amethyst, lapis lazuli, sodalite, and fluorite

Affirmation: “I trust in my intuition and inner wisdom”

Spirit Animal: Owl

What is the Third Eye Chakra?

The third eye chakra, or Ajna chakra, is the sixth chakra of the seven main chakras in the body. Each chakra is associated with specific energy centers, emotions, and physical functions, and the third eye chakra is no exception.

The third eye chakra is associated with intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insight. This chakra governs the pineal gland, which regulates the body’s circadian rhythms and melatonin production.

When the third eye chakra is balanced and open, one can access the universal higher consciousness, unlocking a deeper level of perception and insight to see beyond the physical world to the spiritual realm. The idea of a sixth sense originates from this chakra and its connection to strong intuition, perceptiveness, and mental clarity.

Meaning of The Third Eye Chakra Yantra – The Two-Petalled Lotus

The Ajna chakra is often represented by an indigo lotus flower, which is also the yantra for this chakra. At the center of the two-petalled lotus is a circle with a downward-pointing triangle. The downward-pointing triangle represents wisdom, while the circle in the middle represents the unity between the spiritual aspect of the chakra and its connection to the material world. This yantra is often used as a focus for meditation and visualization to help balance and open the third eye chakra.

The two-petalled lotus - the divine symbol (yantra) of the third eye chakra
The two-petalled lotus – the divine symbol (yantra) of the third eye chakra

Credit: Atarax42

Third Eye Chakra Functioning

The third eye chakra’s connection to the pineal gland suggests it is associated with regulating the sleep-wake cycle, which is essential for one’s overall health and well-being. A balanced third eye chakra can help to improve sleep, reduce stress, and improve mood and mental clarity.

Additionally, it is also associated with the sense of sight, self-awareness, and inner guidance. When the eye chakra is balanced, one can see clearly and easily access their intuition, seeing beyond the physical world and understanding things that are not visible to the naked eye. This can help to improve spiritual connection and growth and, ultimately, lead to a sense of peace, harmony, and fulfillment.

Third Eye Chakra Imbalances 

Several factors can cause imbalances in the third eye chakra. The lack of spiritual connection or understanding, or negative thoughts and emotions, are especially harmful to the third eye chakra.

Emotional Symptoms of a Third Eye Chakra Imbalance

  • Difficulty trusting your intuition
  • Lack of clarity or focus
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Constant confusion and uncertainty
  • Fear and doubt
  • Lack of spiritual connection or understanding
  • Difficulty seeing the bigger picture
  • Mood disorders (e.g., depression)
  • Anxiety

Physical Symptoms of a Third Eye Chakra Imbalance

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Tension in the brow area
  • Eye strain and vision problems
  • Sinus problems and nasal congestion
  • Insomnia and sleep disorders
  • Stress and tension in the forehead and temples
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Disruption of circadian rhythms and melatonin production

Techniques for Third Eye Chakra Healing

A person’s ability to make judgments, their capacity for concentration and attention, and their psychic talents can all be improved by healing the third eye chakra. Additionally, opening this chakra can help one see things more clearly—both literally and figuratively—and can help lessen emotions of indecision or doubt. Additionally, it can aid in enhancing general mental and emotional health.


Guided meditations or visualization exercises that focus on the third eye chakra can help to balance the chakra and promote feelings of inner peace and clarity. You can give this a go by focusing on the area between your eyebrows while meditating and visualizing a bright indigo light or a purple flower in that spot. As you focus on this visualization, take deep breaths and repeat a mantra or affirmation related to the third eye chakra.


Yoga is an excellent way to balance and open your third eye chakra. Certain yoga poses, such as the downward-facing dog, dolphin pose, and the child’s pose, can help to release tension and stress in the forehead and temples, allowing for a better flow of energy in the third eye chakra. You can also practice yoga asanas that include movements of the head and neck, like the Cat-Cow and the Lion’s Pose, as they can help to open the area of the third eye chakra.


Specific breathing exercises, also known as pranayama, can be incorporated into your yoga and meditation practice and aid chakra healing. For example, the Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) and the Ujjayi breath (ocean breath) in particular can help to balance the third eye chakra and promote inner peace and clarity.

Connect with Nature

The third eye chakra can be balanced and opened by spending time in nature. Spend some time in your backyard, along a lake or river, or go for a walk in the woods. You can find a sense of grounding and connection to a higher plane of comprehension and wisdom in the natural world.

Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are positive statements that are used to challenge and overcome negative thoughts and beliefs. They can be used to promote positive change in one’s life and to help one achieve their goals. Affirmations are especially useful in situations where a person may be struggling with negative thoughts or limiting beliefs. Find out more about affirmations for chakra healing

Some examples of third eye chakra affirmations include:

  • “I trust my intuition and inner wisdom”
  • “I have clear vision and understanding”
  • “I am open to receiving guidance from my higher self”
  • “I can see the truth in all situations”
  • “I am open to new perspectives and ways of thinking”
  • “I am confident in my ability to make wise decisions”

You can use affirmations to heal your third eye chakra by saying them aloud or in your head a few times each day, especially when your intuition is unclear, or you’re having trouble making choices. You can also write them down and put them somewhere you’ll see them often, like on a mirror, as the backdrop of your phone, or in a notepad. Affirmations can also be included in your visualization or meditation routine by repeating them in your head as you concentrate on the third eye chakra.

Essential Oils

Certain essential oils are believed to be beneficial for healing and balancing the sixth chakra. These oils include:

  • Sandalwood: Sandalwood has grounding and calming properties, which can help to promote relaxation and mental clarity.
  • Frankincense: Frankincense can be beneficial for the third eye chakra because of its ability to help improve concentration and promote feelings of peace and tranquility.
  • Lavender: Lavender has soothing and relaxing properties, which can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.
  • Peppermint: Peppermint improves concentration and focus, as well as a refreshing and invigorating scent.
  • Clary Sage: Clary Sage can help with emotional balance and wisdom.
  • Myrrh: Myrrh has grounding and centering properties, which can help to promote feelings of inner peace and balance.

Emotional and psychological moods and the sense of smell are strongly intertwined. Utilizing essential oils can be a beneficial technique to encourage emotional balance, which can help keep the chakras in harmony. You can utilize essential oils in aromatherapy by putting them to a diffuser, applying them topically to the skin, or diluting them in your bath water to add them to your third eye chakra healing routine.

Crystals and Stones

Carrying a crystal in your pocket or placing a crystal on your third eye chakra during meditation are just two examples of how crystals can be utilized to balance the third eye chakra. For instance, while meditating, you could place the crystal on or close to your third eye. This enables the third eye chakra’s energy and the energy of the crystal to work together. To benefit from the crystal’s energy throughout the night, you can hold it in your hand or put it under your pillow as you sleep.

Some of those crystals and their benefits include:

  • Amethyst: helps to promote spiritual awareness and enhance psychic abilities
  • Lapis Lazuli: improves focus and concentration
  • Sodalite: improves intuition and promotes inner peace
  • Fluorite: improves mental clarity

852 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

The 852 Hz frequency is one of the Solfeggio frequencies, which are believed to have healing properties, including helping to clear away negative thoughts and emotions and promoting peace and tranquility. 852 Hz frequency in particular, is believed to correspond to the third eye chakra and is thought to open up inner cells’ ability to communicate with the spiritual world.

Third Eye Chakra Mudras

Specific hand gestures known as Mudras can be used to balance the third eye chakra. One example is the Akasha Mudra, where the thumb and index finger are touching, ensuring that you can feel your pulse while doing this. This mudra helps to focus the mind and to promote inner peace, as well as helping to alleviate migraines.


Purple foods are believed to be beneficial for healing and balancing the third eye chakra. Some example foods include:

  • Blueberries and purple grapes: These dark blue berries are said to be beneficial for the third eye chakra because of their color and high levels of antioxidants, which are believed to help protect the brain and improve cognitive function.
  • Eggplant: Eggplant is also believed to be beneficial for the third eye chakra because of its purplish color and its ability to help improve brain function and memory.
  • Lavender: The aroma of lavender is believed to be beneficial for the third eye chakra because of its calming and soothing properties, which can have a beneficial effect on the pineal gland.
  • Sage: Sage is believed to be beneficial for the third eye chakra because of its ability to help improve memory and concentration.

In conclusion, it’s critical to keep in mind that opening and balancing the third eye chakra is a process and cannot be completed quickly. Be kind and patient with yourself while you investigate various methods to determine which one(s) best suit your needs. With perseverance and practice, you can open your third eye chakra and experience a higher degree of awareness and spiritual connection.


How do I know if my 3rd eye is open?

If your third eye chakra is open, you may experience some of the following symptoms: increased intuition, clarity of physical (both physical and metaphorical), improved sleep, increased spiritual connection and improved focus and concentration.

What happens when the pineal gland is activated?

When the pineal gland is activated, it releases a hormone called melatonin, which regulates the body’s circadian rhythms and sleep-wake cycle, as well as the release of other hormones and neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, which can have a positive impact on mood and mental well-being. It can also lead to experiences of heightened awareness, increased intuition, and altered states of consciousness.

What color is the 3rd eye chakra?

The third eye chakra is associated with the color indigo, and they are both believed to vibrate at the same frequency. The color indigo is often associated with wisdom and the unknown. Similarly, the third eye chakra enables one to see beyond the physical realm and access deeper levels of understanding and insight.

What does third eye chakra balancing feel like?

Chakra balancing can entail various sensations depending on which chakra is being balanced. Some common sensations people may experience during third eye chakra balancing include a feeling of warmth or tingling in the forehead or a sense of heightened intuition or spiritual connection.

How long does it take to open the third eye chakra?

The time it takes to open the third eye chakra can vary greatly depending on the individual. Factors that can affect the time it takes to open the third eye chakra include an individual’s level of spiritual development, their ability to focus and meditate, and the specific techniques they are using to open the chakra. Opening the third eye chakra is a gradual process, and it’s not something that can be rushed or forced.

Explore More About the Third Eye Chakra