Scorpio Flower Guide: Geraniums and Beyond

Vivify Tribe Founder

Nia MacKenzie, MSc Psychology

Discover how the scorpio flowers – the geranium, along with other blooms like marigold, cosmos, ivy, etc., connect to Scorpio’s transformative essence and provide practical insights for personal growth.

Geraniums stand proudly as the Scorpio flower, perfectly encapsulating the strength and passion of a Scorpio

Amidst the enigmatic elements of the zodiac, Scorpio emerges with a compelling aura. As autumn’s embrace heralds the presence of this intense sign, a particular floral emblem — the Scorpio flower — blooms in synchrony with its deep and complex nature. This guide unveils the geranium’s intricate connection to Scorpio’s spirit and explores the rich bouquet of other blooms that resonate with this powerful water sign.

The Scorpio Sign: A Brief Overview 

At the heart of autumn’s embrace, under the Scorpio sign (October 23rd – November 21st), we find some of the zodiac’s most profound and enigmatic individuals. Governed by both Mars and Pluto, Scorpio embodies the dual forces of creation and transformation. This water sign’s journey is one of depth, introspection, and the pursuit of truth, often veiled in mystery.

  • Elemental Influence: Water, casting a reflective and deep emotional landscape
  • Planetary Guidance: Mars fuels their drive and passion, while Pluto governs transformation
  • Seasonal Placement: Mid-autumn, a time of change and depth, mirrors Scorpio’s nature

Scorpio’s essence is intertwined with themes of rebirth and metamorphosis. They navigate life’s cyclical changes with an innate resilience and a desire to seek beyond the surface, embracing the new with renewed fervor and intensity.

Common Scorpio Traits & Characteristics

  • Unwavering determination and willpower
  • Profound emotional depth and intensity
  • An innate ability for transformation and renewal
  • Fierce loyalty and sense of justice
  • A magnetic allure of mystery and charm

Geranium: The Scorpio Birth Flower

Geraniums stand proudly as the Scorpio birth flower, a botanical match to the sign’s enigmatic essence and multifaceted soul. They perfectly encapsulate the strength and passion of a Scorpio.

Signifying strength and determination, geraniums empower people to face challenges head-on and persevere with unwavering courage
Signifying strength and determination, geraniums empower people to face challenges head-on and persevere with unwavering courage

Benefit: Encourages emotional balance and wards off negativity

Most suited for:  Introspective practices and remembrance

Symbolizes: Enchantment and a hint of mystery

Geraniums resonate with Scorpios through their robust vitality and versatility. Whether fostering resilience or providing comfort in solitude, geraniums are a Scorpio’s botanical kindred spirit, offering a floral reflection of their innermost selves.

Why Geraniums?

Despite the traditional association of Chrysanthemum with November and Marigold and Cosmos with October, the Geranium is still considered to be the birth flower for Scorpio. This choice extends beyond the confines of monthly birth flowers, delving into a deeper symbolic resonance with Scorpio’s unique characteristics.

Geraniums are not tethered to the conventional birth flower calendar but are chosen for their profound alignment with the essence of Scorpio. This alignment transcends the simplicity of birth months, reflecting a more nuanced connection with Scorpio’s intense and passionate nature.

Red Geraniums

Red geraniums do carry special significance for Scorpios. The color red is often associated with passion, vitality, and intense emotions, which are traits that resonate with the Scorpio personality. Red geraniums, in particular, can amplify Scorpio’s natural fervor and depth of feeling.

What Do Geraniums Symbolise?

Geraniums embody the spirit of transformation and renewal—core aspects of the Scorpio zodiac sign. The geranium’s ability to flourish in various conditions mirrors Scorpio’s adaptability and enduring nature, making it a fitting emblem for this zodiac sign.

Benefits to the Scorpio

For Scorpios, the geranium is more than a symbol; it offers tangible benefits that resonate with their innermost being.

  • Emotional Healing and Balance: The geranium presence can provide a sense of calm and grounding, helping Scorpios maintain their emotional well-being.
  • Encouragement of Transformation: Just as geraniums undergo renewal and can bloom under various conditions, they inspire Scorpios to embrace their transformative journey. This flower encourages personal growth and the continuous evolution of the self.
  • Strengthening of Intuition: The geranium’s association with intuition and spiritual communication is particularly beneficial for Scorpios, who are known for their profound intuitive abilities. It can serve as a tool to enhance their natural psychic inclinations, helping them to connect more deeply with their inner guidance.
  • Fostering of Relationships: Given its symbolism related to friendship and positive relations, geraniums can also aid Scorpios in their interpersonal relationships, promoting harmony and understanding with others.

Incorporating geraniums into their lives, whether through gardening, decor, or aromatherapy, can help Scorpios tap into these benefits, aligning more closely with the flower’s symbolism and enhancing their connection to their zodiac sign’s essence.

10 Other Flowers that Complement & Balance Scorpio

In Scorpio’s quest for harmony and understanding, several flowers echo their intrinsic qualities, providing both balance and reflection.


Benefit: Emboldens conviction and integrity

Most suited for: Celebratory events or as a beacon of inspiration

Symbolizes: Strength of character and honor

The gladiolus is a testament to strength of character and integrity
The Gladiolus is a testament to strength of character and integrity

The striking blooms of the Gladiolus resonate with Scorpio’s fearless approach to life’s challenges. Known as the ‘sword lily,’ it embodies the strength and integrity Scorpios bring to their pursuits. This flower encourages Scorpios to stand tall amidst adversity, bolstering their inherent courage and providing an emblem of their quest for honesty and moral clarity. As a symbol of honor, it’s particularly suited for those moments when Scorpios are facing ethical decisions or embarking on brave new endeavors.


Benefit: Promotes healing and protection

Most suited for: Health rituals, creating a protective space

Symbolizes: Rejuvenation, defense

Eucalyptus has powerful rejuvenation properties, making it great for aromatherapy
Eucalyptus has powerful rejuvenation properties, making it great for aromatherapy

Eucalyptus, with its refreshing scent and robust healing properties, aligns with Scorpio’s profound need for transformation and renewal. Its protective qualities serve as a shield, harmonizing well with Scorpio’s innate desire for a secure environment. It’s beneficial for Scorpios who are recuperating or seeking to cleanse their space, offering a refreshing and invigorating presence that encourages health and well-being.


Benefit: Enhances endurance and fidelity

Most suited for:  Long-term commitments, building trust

Symbolizes: Everlasting connection, tenacity

An emblem of unwavering loyalty and endurance, ivy symbolizes the commitment to fostering lasting bonds
An emblem of unwavering loyalty and endurance, ivy symbolizes the commitment to fostering lasting bonds

Ivy’s capacity to cling and grow in even the harshest conditions mirrors Scorpio’s remarkable tenacity and commitment. This plant symbolizes an enduring bond, resonating with Scorpio’s loyal nature and their dedication to relationships that weather all seasons. Having ivy around can remind Scorpios of their resilience, encouraging them to maintain their commitments with the same steadfastness.


Benefit: Invigorates the spirit, encourages well-being

Most suited for: Celebratory occasions, moments of reflection

Symbolizes: Joy, longevity

Signifying devotion and determination, chrysanthemums motivate us to stay committed to our goals and persevere through challenges
Signifying devotion and determination, chrysanthemums motivate us to stay committed to our goals and persevere through challenges

The Chrysanthemum’s association with joy and longevity captures the Scorpio’s capacity for deep, reflective joy and their focus on the fundamental truths of life. This flower can lift the Scorpio spirit, offering a burst of invigorating energy that encourages a positive outlook and well-being.

Cactus Flowers

Benefit: Symbolizes resilience, self-sufficiency

Most suited for: Fostering independence, embracing solitude

Symbolizes: Endurance, thriving in adversity

Cactus flowers serve as an inspiration for resilience and foster independence
Cactus flowers serve as an inspiration for resilience and foster independence

Cactus Flowers, blooming in arid conditions, symbolize the resilience and self-sufficiency that Scorpios often embody. For Scorpios, who thrive in the face of challenges, the cactus flower is a testament to their ability to prosper regardless of circumstances. Its beauty, despite its harsh origins, serves as an inspiration for Scorpios to continue flourishing in their personal desert moments.


Benefit: Encourages positive emotional expression

Most suited for: Finding joy in daily life, honoring the deceased

Symbolizes: Warmth, creativity

The vibrancy and energy of marigolds infuse life with passion and sparks creative inspiration
The vibrancy and energy of marigolds infuse life with passion and sparks creative inspiration

Marigolds reflects Scorpio’s depth of emotion and propensity for introspection. This flower encourages the expression of feelings in a warm and creative manner, mirroring the passionate nature of Scorpios and offering a sense of comfort and celebration in both life’s everyday moments and in honoring those who have passed.


Benefit: Encourages graciousness and strength

Most suited for: Enhancing communication, asserting boundaries

Symbolizes: Grace under pressure, boldness

Snapdragons are thought to encourage self-expression and communication
Snapdragons are thought to encourage self-expression and communication

Snapdragons, with their dragon-shaped blossoms that open and close like mouths when lightly squeezed, are symbolic of both gracious speech and resilience. For Scorpios, who are no strangers to the dual nature of strength and sensitivity, snapdragons reinforce the power of clear, assertive communication paired with grace. These flowers can serve as a reminder for Scorpios to express their formidable thoughts with kindness and to assert their boundaries with the same certainty as the snapdragon’s confident bloom. This balance of boldness and elegance perfectly echoes the Scorpio’s journey through self-expression and personal power.


Benefit: Offers simplicity and order in chaos

Most suited for: Encouraging adaptability, meditation practices

Symbolizes: Peace, wholeness

Cosmos flowers celebrate harmony and order
Cosmos flowers celebrate harmony and order

Cosmos flowers, with their open-faced blooms, signify peace and order—a quality that resonates with Scorpios who often navigate complex emotional landscapes. The simplicity of the Cosmos flower provides a stark contrast to Scorpio’s intricate nature, offering a visual reminder of the peace found in simplicity and the beauty of being whole. For Scorpios, incorporating Cosmos into their environment or meditation practices can promote serenity and an adaptable outlook, even when life feels chaotic.


Benefit: Radiates positivity and strength

Most suited for: Cultivating self-esteem, celebrating success

Symbolizes: Adoration, longevity

A symbol of loyalty and positivity, the sunflower uplifts one's spirits and reminds them to embrace their radiant personality
A symbol of loyalty and positivity, the sunflower uplifts one’s spirits and reminds them to embrace their radiant personality

The Sunflower, turning its head towards the sun, embodies the Scorpio’s relentless quest for truth and light. Its bright and sunny disposition brings warmth and positivity, encouraging Scorpios to stand tall and proud. The sunflower aids in bolstering self-esteem and is perfect for celebrating personal victories, mirroring Scorpios’ ability to find their path to success.


Benefit: Inspires creativity and vision

Most suited for: Artistic endeavors, strategic planning

Symbolizes: Ambition, intuition

Foxglove aids vision and creativity in artistic endeavors
Foxglove aids vision and creativity in artistic endeavors

The stately foxglove, with its towering spikes and bell-shaped flowers, resonates with Scorpio’s grand ambitions and deep-seated intuition. This flower encourages vision and creativity, aiding Scorpios in their pursuit of artistic and strategic endeavors. As a symbol of ambition, it aligns with Scorpio’s drive to reach great heights and their inherent capability to tap into their intuitive understanding to get there.


What color flowers do Scorpios like?

Scorpios tend to gravitate towards rich, deeply saturated colors in flowers, preferring shades that suggest depth and intensity, such as dark reds, purples, and even black. These colors resonate with Scorpio’s mysterious personality and love for the profound and the intense.

What does the chrysanthemum mean for Scorpios?

The chrysanthemum for Scorpios symbolizes longevity, joy, and complexity. Just like the layered petals of this flower, Scorpios have multidimensional personalities that reveal their strength and vibrancy over time, especially in the face of life’s transitions.

What is the birth flower for November?

The birth flower for November, the month shared by Scorpios and Sagittarians, is the chrysanthemum. This flower is associated with cheerfulness and friendship, offering a bright contrast to the darker and more introspective energies that Scorpios often embody.

What are the flower colors for November?

Flower colors for November typically include warm oranges, yellows, and rusts, reflecting the fall harvest. These hues match the transitional nature of this month, offering comfort and a sense of abundance during this time of year.

What herbs are for Scorpio?

Scorpios are matched with robust herbs like basil for protection and purification, as well as mint for its refreshing and cleansing properties. These herbs complement Scorpio’s intense nature and aid in their continuous quest for personal and spiritual transformation.

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Nia MacKenzie

Founder & Curator

Nia graduated from the University of Surrey with an MSc in Psychology. Her greatest passion is the mission to inspire people to unlock their true potential, which is why she dedicated her time to the creation of Vivify Tribe.

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