Libra Birthstones: 16 Crystals for Harmony and Balance

Vivify Tribe Founder

Nia MacKenzie, MSc Psychology

The Libra birthstones promote harmony, balance, and self-expression. Learn how to incorporate these stones into your life for enhanced inner peace.

The two main libra birthstones are opal and sapphire

If you’re a Libra or have a Libra in your life, you’ll be delighted to explore the world of crystals that resonate with this harmonious and balanced zodiac sign. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 17 powerful crystals, including the two Libra birthstones – opal and sapphire, that can enhance your sense of harmony, balance, and overall well-being. Whether you’re seeking to find inner peace, improve relationships, or enhance your self-expression, these Libra birthstones are here to guide you on your journey.

Libra: The Diplomat of the Zodiac

If you were born between September 23rd and October 22nd, then you are a harmonious and peace-loving Libra. Libra is the Cardinal Air sign that rules the 7th house of relationships. Libra is known as the diplomat of the Zodiac. They are known for their ability to negotiate, compromise and find common ground with almost anyone. They are the perfect sign for mediation and counseling because they like to consider all sides of an issue with as much objectivity as possible. 

As the diplomat sign of the zodiac, it is no wonder that the libra zodiac sign is represented by the scales
As the diplomat sign of the zodiac, it is no wonder that the Libra zodiac sign is represented by the scales

Being ruled by the planet Venus makes Libra people thoughtful, kind, beauty-seeking, and romantic. Libra people have a keen eye for beauty and a mind for aesthetics. They gravitate towards anything that has an innate sense of balance and harmony, and they strive to create that sense of harmony wherever they go.

In relationships, Libras prioritize harmony and cooperation. Their calming energy makes them excellent listeners and, therefore, great partners when it comes to friendship and romance. While their diplomacy is commendable, decision-making may pose a challenge due to their desire for harmony. Libras possess a deep appreciation for aesthetics, excelling in creating visually appealing environments.

Libra’s birthstones match their personality and predisposition perfectly. Let’s dive in!

Opal: The Primary Libra Birthstone

If you are an October Libra, then your birthstone is Opal. 

Opal comes in many forms, but the most commonly known opal is blueish, white with red undertones. It is an incredibly beautiful stone with properties that accentuate beauty and self-image. A Libra who wears opal is bound to feel radiant and fabulous.

Opal enhances feelings of romance, desire, love, and passion
Opal enhances feelings of romance, desire, love, and passion

Credit: Sevenopal

Physical Effects: Opal promotes resilience and willpower. It removes the physical feelings of lethargy and encourages the completion of goals and projects. Opal improves memory retention, which helps to increase concentration. Opal is a blood purifier that assists the proper function of the kidneys.

Mental Effects: Increased concentration means a better ability to focus, which helps Libras to make better decisions. Opal also encourages creative expression and promotes interest in art and music. Opal is especially helpful in revealing issues that are in need of transformation. Knowing the true cause or nature of an issue stops overthinking in its tracks, calms anxiety, and allows the person to take transformative action.

Emotional Effects: Opal produces a joie de vivre that enhances feelings of romance, desire, love, and passion. Unfortunately, Opal does this at the cost of potentially scattering the Libra person’s energy or predisposing them to lose track of their own needs. So, it is important to use opal when there are clear intentions, and perhaps with the assistance of other grounding stones. When used responsibly, opal can help Librans see the important life lessons in their past. 

Spiritual Effects: The different colors of opal resonate with different Chakras. The red hues connect to the base chakras (Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus); the blue hues resonate with the Heart, Throat, and Third Eye chakras; the white hues resonate with the Crown Chakra. This makes opal a versatile stone that brings calming tranquility to any area that is overstimulated. 

Sapphire: The Secondary Libra Birthstone

If you are a September Libra, then your birthstone is Sapphire. 

Blue sapphire is the Virgo birthstone, but it is also particularly useful for September-born Libras, as they carry with them some residual Virgo energy. Sapphire endows its wearer with wisdom, which comes from a deeper understanding of their spiritual connection and their ability to express that connection.

Sapphire's calming energy helps to find balance amidst the chaos of life
Sapphire’s calming energy helps to find balance amidst the chaos of life

Credit: Sapphiredge

Physical Effects: Sapphire helps to regulate overactive bodily systems. It can calm nervousness, lower blood pressure, remove impurities and strengthen veins. 

Mental Effects: Sapphire promotes immense concentration and focus. It can help with Libra’s tendency towards indecision. Increased focus means less fickleness, which makes Libra people more reliable both to themselves and to others.

Emotional Effects: Sapphire is a deeply tranquil crystal. It promotes peace and calm, which goes perfectly for Libra’s need for harmony and balance. 

Spiritual Effects: Sapphire promotes a better connection with one’s higher self. It is incredibly useful for meditation. It activates the Throat and Third Eye Chakras, which allows Librans to better express themselves. 

Other Helpful Stones for Libra

Gemstones that help Libras combat their tendency to be indecisive are very helpful. Indecisiveness can make Libras unfocused, which takes extra energy from them and those around them who have to deal with their vacillating thoughts. 

On the other hand, gemstones that connect Libra with their spiritual and emotional side are optimal. Libra people often live in their own heads and are dominated by their thoughts. This can feed a tendency to overthink, which leads down a path to indecision and self-sabotage. 

Some of the best healing stones and crystals we’d recommend for Libra include: 

Tangerine Quartz

Why is it good for Libra: Promotes creativity, joy, and positive energy

Tangerine quartz helps to inspire and uplift the spirit
Tangerine quartz helps to inspire and uplift the spirit

Tangerine quartz stimulates the Sacral Chakra and enhances creativity. It is particularly useful for coping with past life baggage and Karma. Libra people often blame themselves for circumstances out of their control or by someone else’s fault; tangerine quartz helps to recognize these negative patterns and transform them. 


Why is it good for Libra: Enhances clarity, balance, and harmonious decision-making

Ametrine balances the masculine and feminine energy, creating an inner equilibrium
Ametrine balances the masculine and feminine energy, creating an inner equilibrium

Credit: Ra’ike

A powerful combination of amethyst and citrine, ametrine connects the spiritual world with the physical one. Ametrine can help Libra people to get out of their overactive minds while granting them the confidence of a Leo. Ametrine unites masculine and feminine energies, which is essential to Libra people’s own sense of balance and equilibrium. 


Why is it good for Libra: Promotes courage, strength, and grounding energy, supporting Libras in finding balance and overcoming challenges

Bloodstone supports one in overcoming challenges and removing negative energies
Bloodstone supports one in overcoming challenges and removing negative energies

Credit: Credit: Ra’ike

Bloodstone is both grounding and intuition-enhancing. It helps to remove any negative influences or unwanted energies. In their attempt to create harmony, Libra people may choose to be influenced by other people, even against their own better judgment. Bloodstone can help to cut through other people’s negative energy.

Lapis Lazuli

Why is it good for Libra: Enhances intuition, wisdom, and promotes harmonious communication, supporting Libras in expressing themselves authentically

The deep blue color of lapis lazuli reflects the vastness of the universe
The deep blue color of Lapis Lazuli reflects the vastness of the universe

Credit: Cobalt 123

Lapis lazuli is a stone of communication and connection with intuition. It powerfully stimulates the Third Eye and Throat Chakras, making it easier for a Libra to connect their mind with their higher self and to be able to express their feelings, not just their thoughts. Lapis promotes the development of inner truth through meditation and deep self-reflection.


Why is it good for Libra: Enhances emotional healing, intuition, and promotes inner harmony, helping Libras find balance in their relationships and emotions

Moonstone helps to achieve emotional equilibrium by facilitating stress relief and inner tranquility
Moonstone helps to achieve emotional equilibrium by facilitating stress relief and inner tranquility

Credit: James St. John

Moonstone enhances the feminine energies inside of Libra. Both air and fire signs are considered masculine, while earth and water signs are feminine. Having a connection to feminine energy via the energy of the Moon, Libra people can better understand their inner femininity with the presence of moonstones. 


Why is it good for Libra: Enhances love, harmony, and promotes loyalty and commitment, supporting Libras in creating and maintaining balanced relationships

Emerald crystals are stones of unconditional love and undying patience
Emerald crystals are stones of unconditional love and undying patience

Credit: Mauro Cateb

The primary birthstone of Taurus, who is also ruled by the planet Venus, is incredibly helpful to Libra people. Emerald opens the Heart Chakra, which helps Libras to better connect with their body and their feelings. Libras have a tendency to intellectualize their feelings, so having emeralds around will help them to feel their feelings instead of automatically killing them with logic. 


Why is it good for Libra: Enhances spiritual connection, clarity, and promotes a peaceful environment, aiding Libras in finding balance and harmony within themselves and their surroundings

Apophyllite promotes a peaceful environment, aiding inner balance and harmony
Apophyllite promotes a peaceful environment, aiding inner balance and harmony

Credit: Robert M. Lavinsky

Apophyllite is a very spiritual stone. It can easily transfer vibrations and energy due to its high water content. It is a stone of introspection and meditation that connects a person to their higher self. Apophyllite breaks down old habits and allows one to see the true motivations behind thoughts and behaviors. All of these traits are helpful for Libra people because it removes them from their space of comfort to show them different perspectives.  


Why is it good for Libra: Promotes balanced communication and harmony in relationships

Aquamarine supports self-expression, communication, and creativity
Aquamarine supports self-expression, communication, and creativity

Credit: Eelco

Aquamarine is a soothing crystal known for its calming energy. It resonates well with the Libra zodiac sign, promoting balance, harmony, and clear communication. Due to its connection to the throat chakra, it assists Libras in expressing their thoughts and emotions with grace and diplomacy, helping them maintain harmonious relationships. Aquamarine also encourages self-reflection and promotes inner peace, allowing Libras to find clarity and make decisions with confidence.


Why is it good for Libra: Enhances self-worth, fosters forgiveness, and promotes harmonious connections

Peridot helps to create a stronger connection between one's thoughts and feelings
Peridot helps to create a stronger connection between one’s thoughts and feelings

Credit: RawPixel/NASA

Peridot is a vibrant green crystal that aligns well with the Libra zodiac sign. It carries positive and uplifting energy, promoting joy, happiness, and abundance. It enhances Libras’ sense of self-worth, helping them recognize their own strengths and talents. Peridot also encourages forgiveness, releasing negative emotions, and fostering harmonious connections in relationships. By tapping into the energies of the solar plexus chakra, it empowers Libras to assert their boundaries while maintaining peace and harmony.

Rose Quartz

Why is it good for Libra: Encourages love, compassion, and fosters healthy relationships

Rose quartz's soothing energy helps to open the heart chakra, enhance relationships, and attract harmony
Rose Quartz’s soothing energy helps to open the heart chakra, enhance relationships, and attract harmony

Rose Quartz is the ultimate crystal of love and compassion. It resonates deeply with the Libra zodiac sign, promoting love, harmony, and understanding in relationships. Rose Quartz encourages Libras to open their hearts, attracting healthy and balanced partnerships. It helps them develop self-love and self-acceptance, fostering inner peace and emotional healing. Libras can benefit from carrying or wearing Rose Quartz to enhance their ability to create loving connections and maintain a harmonious environment.


Why is it good for Libra: Provides grounding energy, enhances decision-making, and promotes stability

Agate helps to stay grounded during times of change, providing a sense of calm and balance
Agate helps to stay grounded during times of change, providing a sense of calm and balance

Credit: James St. John

Agate is a grounding and stabilizing crystal that supports Libras in finding balance and equilibrium. It helps them overcome indecisiveness and promotes clear thinking. Agate also enhances self-confidence and inner strength, helping Libras to assert their needs while maintaining harmony in relationships. This crystal encourages a sense of stability and nurtures a peaceful and calm energy around Libras, allowing them to navigate challenges with grace and resilience.


Why is it good for Libra: Fosters loyalty, and amplifies manifestation abilities

Diamonds represent purity and bonding, making them the quintessential gems for engagement and marriage
Diamonds represent purity and bonding, making them the quintessential gems for engagement and marriage

Diamond, the king of crystals, symbolizes purity, clarity, and strength. It aligns well with the Libra zodiac sign, enhancing its diplomatic and fair-minded nature. Diamond encourages Libras to shine their unique light and embrace their true selves. It fosters balance in relationships and promotes loyalty and commitment. Diamond also amplifies Libras’ ability to manifest their desires and attract abundance into their lives, both in love and material aspects.

Pink Tourmaline

Why is it good for Libra: Fosters emotional healing, self-acceptance, and attracts loving connection

Pink tourmaline supports to open the heart, heal past wounds, and attract loving connections
Pink Tourmaline supports to open the heart, heal past wounds, and attract loving connections

Credit: Robert M. Lavinsky

Pink Tourmaline is a crystal of love, compassion, and emotional healing. It deeply resonates with the Libra zodiac sign, fostering self-acceptance, forgiveness, and nurturing relationships. Pink Tourmaline supports Libras in opening their hearts, healing past wounds, and attracting loving connections. It encourages empathy, kindness, and understanding, allowing Libras to create harmonious and balanced relationships both personally and professionally.


Why is it good for Libra: Promotes balance between logic and intuition, and provides protection against negativity

Labradorite enhances intuition, protects the aura, and boosts spiritual and personal growth
Labradorite enhances intuition, protects the aura, and boosts spiritual and personal growth

Credit: Awiejekeal

Labradorite is a highly mystical crystal that resonates well with the Libra zodiac sign. It enhances Libras’ intuitive abilities, promoting clarity of thought and heightened awareness. Labradorite helps Libras find a balance between their logical and intuitive selves, allowing them to make decisions guided by both intellect and intuition. It also serves as a protective stone, shielding Libras from negative energies and promoting emotional healing and transformation. Labradorite empowers Libras to embrace their unique qualities and shine their light in the world.

Psychology Insights: How to Best Use the Libra Stones for Healing

When working with Libra healing stones, incorporating mindfulness practices can amplify their healing effects. As a psychologist, I can not stress enough how beneficial mindfulness can be to your general levels of wellbeing. Research shows that mindfulness can enhance self-awareness, reduce stress, and promote emotional well-being.

So how can your support your crystal healing journey with mindfulness? It’s simple:

  1. Begin by creating a calm and serene space where you can connect with your chosen Libra crystals. You can either wear them as jewelry or arrange the crystals on or around you.
  2. Engage in mindful meditation or breathing exercises to center yourself and cultivate a state of receptivity to the healing energies of the stones.
  3. Visualize the specific areas of your life where you seek balance and harmony in, allowing the energy of the Libra crystals to align with your intentions. 

One step at a time makes a difference, you don’t have to make huge changes to your life, just go ahead and give it a go.


What is Libra’s color?

Libra’s color is typically associated with shades of blue and pastel hues, such as light blue or lavender. These colors symbolize balance, harmony, and tranquility, reflecting Libra’s harmonious and diplomatic nature.

What is the birthstone of a Libra?

As the October birthstone, Opal is typically considered to be the Libra birthstone. Opal is a beautiful gemstone that represents creativity, love, and harmony. It is believed to enhance Libra’s ability to find balance in relationships and promote positive energy in their lives.

Which stone is lucky for Libra?

The stone that is considered to bring good luck for Libra is the Peridot. Peridot is a vibrant green gemstone that brings good fortune, abundance, and happiness. It aligns with Libra’s energy, enhancing their self-confidence and promoting harmonious relationships.

Is the birthstone for Libra opal or sapphire?

The birthstone for Libra is traditionally associated with Opal. However, some also consider Sapphire as an alternative birthstone for Libra. While Opal symbolizes love and harmony, Sapphire represents wisdom, truth, and loyalty. Both gemstones can bring positive energy and blessings to those born under the Libra zodiac sign.

Is sapphire a Libra stone?

Yes, Sapphire is considered a stone that aligns well with Libra. It symbolizes wisdom, clarity of thought, and harmony, all of which resonate with Libra’s diplomatic and balanced nature. Sapphire can bring positive energies and support Libras in making sound decisions while fostering harmonious relationships.

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Nia MacKenzie

Founder & Curator

Nia graduated from the University of Surrey with an MSc in Psychology. Her greatest passion is the mission to inspire people to unlock their true potential, which is why she dedicated her time to the creation of Vivify Tribe.

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