Harness the Cosmic Energies: The Power of Zodiac Crystals

Vivify Tribe Founder

Nia MacKenzie, MSc Psychology

Unlock your true potential with the power of zodiac crystals. These celestial gems align with your zodiac sign and can enhance your innate qualities.

Every sign in the Zodiac spans over two months, and they each have two birthstones that correspond to the month

Crystals and gemstones have long been associated with the zodiac signs, harnessing their unique energies and enhancing the qualities of each sign. Astrology, with its profound understanding of personality traits and cosmic influences, provides valuable insights into the ideal crystals for each zodiac sign. These celestial gems not only complement the inherent characteristics of the signs but also work in harmony with the planetary alignments that govern our lives.

Every sign in the Zodiac spans over two months, and they each have two birthstones that correspond to the month. The primary stone for each sign is based on the month in which the sign has the most days. For example, Aries spans from March 21-April 19. The Sun is in Aries for 9 days in March and 19 days in April, so the primary birthstone for Aries is April’s birthstone, which is the diamond.  In addition to these traditional birthstones, there are other crystals that resonate with the unique qualities of each sign, offering additional support and empowerment. By tapping into the power of zodiac crystals, individuals can align themselves with the cosmic forces and unlock their true potential. 

Zodiac Crystals Are Personality Boosters

The two birthstones for each Zodiac sign resemble many of the natural personality traits of the sign but in its purest form. The primary stones enhance the strong aspects of the personality, while the secondary stones provide different energies that help to cover weaknesses and shortcomings. 

Knowing the properties of certain crystals can also help one to learn more about themselves, especially when compared with personality traits. Even if you don’t believe that crystals can have any kind of physical impact, anything that promotes self-exploration is a useful tool. The more one knows about themselves, and the more one can learn and discover, the closer that person gets to enacting whatever hidden potential exists within them.

Psychology Insights: Why are Zodiac Crystals Good For You?

Zodiac crystals offer a tangible and symbolic way to engage with our inner selves and promote psychological well-being. Individuals who incorporate crystals into their daily routine are more likely to make time in their routine dedicated to self-care, be it through meditation or mindfulness, and are, therefore, more likely to report decreased stress levels, improved mood, and increased feelings of self-confidence. 

The act of choosing and wearing a crystal that resonates with our zodiac sign can serve as a visual and tangible reminder of our innate strengths, potential challenges, and unique qualities. This can help us cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves, boost our self-confidence, and align our actions with our true nature. 

Additionally, the colors, textures, and energetic vibrations of the crystals can evoke specific emotions and create a sense of calm, balance, and harmony within us.

This process of intentional crystal use can foster a sense of empowerment, mindfulness, and personal growth, enhancing overall psychological health and resilience.

How to Use Zodiac Crystals

Zodiac crystals can be used for manifestation in general but are particularly attuned to the personality traits of the signs that they belong to. The crystals can be worn in jewelry (as many are, i.e. diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, rubies, etc.). They can be carried around in pouches or spell bags; they can be used in elixirs and oils; they can also be used in Reiki and sound therapy to enhance healing. 

Anyone that wants to have the traits of another sign can absolutely use the crystals from that sign to garner those desired traits. A Libra who wants extra courage and energy may find rubies helpful. An Aquarius who wants to be more in tune with their heart might desire to wear emeralds. There are many combinations of stones that can be made to achieve a particular goal or state of mind. 

Birthstone Crystals for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries individuals are known for their fiery and passionate nature, displaying courage, determination, and a strong leadership spirit. 

Diamond (April)

The primary stone for Aries is a diamond. Diamonds are not only a girl’s best friend; they are an enhancer for all. Diamonds represent purity and resilience. They connect all of the Chakras and promote cohesion between the conscious self and the higher self. Diamonds are stones of love and bonding and are the quintessential stone for engagement and marriage. 

Diamonds represent purity and bonding, making them the quintessential gems for engagement and marriage
Diamonds represent purity and bonding, making them the quintessential gems for engagement and marriage

Aquamarine (March) 

The secondary stone for Aries is aquamarine. The residual Pisces energy promotes an enhanced sensitivity, especially for Aries people. Aquamarine opens the Throat Chakra, which enhances communication by allowing the Aries person to be true to themselves. It has a calming energy that balances the ram’s impulsive and impetuous traits with mindfulness. Aquamarine helps Aries to be more responsible both in their thoughts and actions. 

Other stones that resonate with Aries include carnelian, bloodstone, and red jasper, which enhance their vitality and courage. To discover more crystals that align with Aries’ energy, explore our detailed guide on Aries zodiac crystals.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus individuals are known for their grounded and practical nature, embodying stability, loyalty, and a strong sense of material security.

Emerald (May)

The primary stone for Taurus is an emerald. A luxurious stone for a luxurious sign, emerald amplifies self-worth and attraction to beautiful aesthetics. Emerald opens the Heart Chakra, which grants even more love and understanding to the naturally kind-hearted Taurus. Emerald is all about unconditional love and being able to give and receive it. This kind of love is patient, kind, and nonjudgmental, which is how Taurus strives to be. 

Emerald crystals are stones of unconditional love and undying patience
Emerald crystals are stones of unconditional love and undying patience

Credit: Mauro Cateb

Diamond (April)

The secondary stone for Taurus is a diamond. Diamonds amplify the already resilient Taurus, making them even more steadfast and determined. Taurus tends to build up stagnant energy because of their cautious nature. The Aries energy imbued in the diamond invigorates Taurus and helps them to be more decisive. 

In addition to the Taurus birthstones, other zodiac crystals that resonate with Taurus include green aventurine, pyrite, and citrine, which promote abundance and prosperity. Discover more crystals that align with Taurus energy by visiting our comprehensive guide on Taurus zodiac crystals.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini individuals are known for their quick-witted and versatile nature, displaying excellent communication skills, curiosity, and adaptability.

Pearl (June)

Pearl is the primary stone for Gemini. Gemini is an air sign, but pearls represent the sensitivity and emotionality of a water sign. Pearls embody feminine energy, which can be extremely helpful for Gemini, who is a masculine sign. Gemini people tend to be caught up in their thoughts—lost in the world of ideas—which can make it difficult for them to understand and express their emotions. Pearls help to lessen those difficulties.  

Pearls are thought to balance emotions and alleviate stress, promoting a sense of tranquility and inner peace
Pearls are thought to balance emotions and alleviate stress, promoting a sense of tranquility and inner peace

Credit: James St. John

Agate (May)

There are many different kinds and colors of agate, and blue lace agate, in particular, works powerfully with Gemini. Agate helps to create emotional stability by improving mental clarity. Gemini people have a very busy mind, so having a stone that calms the nerves and increases focus is extremely helpful to Gemini. 

Other stones that resonate with Gemini include clear quartz, kyanite, tiger’s eye, and blue lace agate, which enhance their communication abilities and stimulate their intellectual curiosity. Dive deeper into Gemini zodiac crystals by checking out our detailed guide on Gemini zodiac crystals.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer individuals are known for their nurturing and intuitive nature, embodying empathy, sensitivity, and a deep emotional connection to others.

Ruby (July)

The primary stone for Cancer is ruby. Ruby shines like a bright fire, and that’s the energy that it gives off to Cancer people. Ruby invigorates Cancer people into being much more expressive. Cancers have a tendency to isolate and withdraw from other people because it is costly to them to be extraverted. Ruby helps to protect Cancer’s energy by giving it a boost and providing the endurance to sustain it.

Ruby stimulates passion and creativity, allowing one to channel their energies into meaningful pursuits
Ruby stimulates passion and creativity, allowing one to channel their energies into meaningful pursuits

Pearl (June)

Pearl is the secondary stone for Cancer. Pearls are especially influential on Cancer people, promoting loyalty and integrity. Pearls help to balance overactive emotions, which really help Cancer people with their moodiness. Pearls are calming, so they are helpful aids in meditation, relaxation, and sleep—all of which Cancer can have difficulty with due to vacillating emotions.

In addition to the Cancer birthstones of ruby and pearl, other stones that resonate with Cancer include moonstone and labradorite, which enhance their emotional well-being and intuition. Explore our comprehensive guide on Cancer zodiac crystals to discover more crystals that align with Cancer’s energy.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo individuals are known for their confident and charismatic nature, displaying leadership, creativity, and a strong desire for recognition.

Peridot (August)

The primary stone for Leo is the peridot. Leo rules the heart, and Peridot opens the Heart Chakra. Peridot removes the need to hold onto the past. Peridot is calming and allows feelings like anger and spite to fade away quickly. Some Leo people can be quick to anger and judgment, but having Peridot around reduces those qualities and promotes understanding and acceptance. 

Peridot helps to create a stronger connection between one's thoughts and feelings
Peridot helps to create a stronger connection between one’s thoughts and feelings

Credit: RawPixel/NASA

Ruby (July)

The secondary stone for Leo is ruby. Ruby enhances Leo’s natural fiery qualities, granting them immense energy. The lion is naturally confident, and rubies can increase that confidence to its maximum. A Leo person with full confidence is able to fulfill leadership roles, which is where their personality can really shine. A word of caution, rubies can also make tempers run hot, so use them only when needed. 

In addition to the Leo birthstones, other stones that resonate with Leo include sunstone, amber, and citrine, which enhance their self-expression and boost their creative energy. To learn more about Leo zodiac crystals, visit our detailed guide on Leo zodiac crystals.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo individuals are known for their analytical and practical nature, embodying precision, organization, and strong attention to detail. Grounded and practical, Virgo finds harmony with birthstones that align with their meticulous nature and promote a sense of balance: 

Sapphire (September)

The primary stone for Virgo is Sapphire. Sapphire imparts natural wisdom and promotes a peaceful state of mind. Virgo’s mind is a very busy place, and they are susceptible to mental exhaustion and nervousness. Sapphire helps to alleviate nervousness by enhancing intuition. This helps Virgo to know that they have more than just their thoughts to rely on for guidance. 

Sapphire's calming energy helps to find balance amidst the chaos of life
Sapphire’s calming energy helps to find balance amidst the chaos of life

Credit: Sapphiredge

Peridot (August)

Peridot is the secondary stone for Virgo. Whereas sapphire connects Virgo’s mind with their intuition, peridot connects Virgo’s mind with their heart and body. Virgo is selfless by nature, and peridot increases the gratitude felt by being of service to others. Virgo is a sign of service, but they can become resentful or jealous if they feel that they are being used. Peridot helps to eliminate those negative feelings. 

In addition to these, other stones that resonate with Virgo include amazonite, lepidolite, and garnet, which enhance their analytical abilities and promote grounding. Discover more crystals that align with Virgo energy by exploring our comprehensive guide on Virgo zodiac crystals.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra individuals are known for their harmonious and diplomatic nature, displaying fairness, cooperation, and a strong desire for balance and justice. Seeking harmony and balance, Libra resonates with birthstones that enhance their sense of beauty and promote inner peace: 

Opal (October)

The primary stone for Libra is opal. Opal has a unique quality of being able to attune all of the chakras and provide soothing energy for all of them. Libra is the sign of balance and harmony. Opal provides energy where it is needed and soothes overactive energy. It is important to have specific intentions when using opal because it can increase negative traits if not used thoughtfully. 

Opal enhances feelings of romance, desire, love, and passion
Opal enhances feelings of romance, desire, love, and passion

Credit: Sevenopal

Sapphire (September)

The secondary stone for Libra is sapphire. Sapphire enhances intuition and tranquility. It is very helpful for meditation, which can help Libra people to sort out their thoughts. Libras are overthinkers, which can make them indecisive at times. Having their intuition enhanced by sapphire helps to reduce overthinking and makes them more confident with their decisions.

Other stones that resonate with Libra include rose quartz, green jade, and lapis lazuli, which enhance their sense of harmony and promote inner peace. For detailed information on Libra zodiac crystals, refer to our comprehensive guide on Libra zodiac crystals.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Topaz (November)

The primary stone for Scorpio is topaz. Topaz enhances truth and trust, which is helpful for the often secretive and guarded Scorpio. Topaz increases feelings of philanthropy, which can promote sharing, which, again, is something that Scorpio people often have a hard time doing. Topaz clears negative energy and helps to prevent obsessive tendencies from taking over. 

Golden topaz helps to overcome limitations and encourages making plans for great success
Golden topaz helps to overcome limitations and encourages making plans for great success

Credit: James St. John

Opal (October)

Opal is the secondary stone for Scorpio. Opal is a romantic stone that increases desire, passion, and eroticism. Scorpio is a very sexual sign, which means opal enhances these qualities in them. Opal also brings good luck and abundance, which increases Scorpio’s ability to make money. Opal is a deeply emotional stone that promotes a better connection with their emotional side. 

Delve into the intense and mysterious world of Scorpio by exploring the birthstones that deepen their emotional intensity and aid in their transformative journey. Other zodiac crystals that resonate with Scorpio include obsidian, pink tourmaline, and malachite, which enhance their intuition and aid in emotional healing.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius individuals are known for their adventurous and free-spirited nature, displaying optimism, enthusiasm, and a strong desire for exploration and personal growth.

Turquoise (December)

The primary stone for Sagittarius is turquoise. Turquoise resonates with the higher Chakras (Throat, Third Eye, and Crown) and opens Sagittarian people up to spiritual awareness. Turquoise enhances intuition and promotes truer self-expression, qualities already known to Sagittarius. Turquoise clears negative energy, which helps Sagittarius to keep their naturally optimistic disposition. Turquoise can help to stabilize mood swings and help Sagittarians to keep their focus. 

Turquoise is believed to enhance communication and self-expression, assisting in clear and effective communication with others
Turquoise is believed to enhance communication and self-expression, assisting in clear and effective communication with others

Credit: James St. John

Blue Topaz (November)

The secondary stone for Sagittarius is topaz. Blue topaz specifically resonates with Sagittarius’ energy, adopting many of the qualities that turquoise also promotes. Topaz is a mood enhancer that absorbs negative energy and transforms it into a positive experience. Sagittarians can take that negative energy and find a lesson within it. Topaz makes it easy for them to identify these lessons, articulate them, apply compassion to one’s perspective, and teach others. 

Further zodiac crystals that resonate with Sagittarius include amethyst, smokey quartz, and lapis lazuli, which enhance their spiritual growth and broaden their horizons. Check out our comprehensive guide on Sagittarius zodiac crystals to discover more crystals that align with Sagittarius energy.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn individuals are known for their disciplined and ambitious nature, embodying determination, responsibility, and a strong drive for success. They best resonate with zodiac stones that embody their ambitious nature and provide mental clarity.

Garnet (January)

The primary stone for Capricorn is garnet. Garnet comes in many forms, which makes it versatile for connecting with all of the Chakras. Garnet provides Capricorn with the energy that they need to achieve their often lofty goals. Garnet is an incredibly sensual stone that helps to balance and invigorate sexual energy, which is helpful to the Capricorn, who often finds themselves too busy to be intimate or loving. 

Garnet provides the strength to overcome obstacles and persevere
Garnet provides the strength to overcome obstacles and persevere

Credit: Michelle Jo

Turquoise (December)

The secondary stone for Capricorn is turquoise. As an earth sign, Capricorn is often removed from their emotions and sense of spirituality. Turquoise promotes a healthier connection of grounded practicality with strong intuition. Its resonance with the Throat Chakra is especially helpful for Capricorn, who will often deny self-expression for the sake of practicality. 

In addition to the Capricorn birthstones, other stones that resonate with Capricorn include black onyx, black tourmaline, and fluorite, which enhance their grounding and provide mental clarity. Discover more crystals that align with Capricorn energy by visiting our detailed guide on Capricorn zodiac crystals.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarians are known for their innovative and humanitarian nature, displaying originality, independence, and a strong desire for social justice and progress.

Amethyst (February)

The primary stone for Aquarius is amethyst. Amethyst is an incredibly powerful crystal that can be used for healing, amplifying energy, and transmuting negative energy. It attunes Aquarius to their spiritual side and enhances their natural proclivity towards deep, profound thinking. Amethyst also reminds the logically-minded Aquarius to trust their emotions, for it is the balance of mind, body, and emotions that provides them with intuition. 

Amethyst is often used for calming the mind and soothing emotional distress, making it an excellent crystal for stress relief and anxiety reduction
Amethyst is often used for calming the mind and soothing emotional distress, making it an excellent crystal for stress relief and anxiety reduction

Garnet (January)

Garnet is the secondary stone for Aquarius. Aquarius has the tendency to be aloof and emotionally disconnected. Garnet brings the base Chakra energies up to Aquarius’ logical mind and reminds them to live a little bit on the Earth. Garnet also serves as a great energizer for brilliant new ideas by allowing the Aquarius person to rest and remove themselves from the world of ideas. 

Labradorite, yellow jasper, and aquamarine also resonate with Aquarians. They enhance the sign’s intuition and promote their unique perspective. Dive deeper into Aquarius zodiac crystals by checking out our detailed guide on Aquarius zodiac crystals.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces individuals are known for their compassionate and dreamy nature, embodying sensitivity, creativity, and a deep connection to the spiritual realm.

Aquamarine (March)

The primary stone for Pisces is aquamarine. Aquamarine has a special effect on those who are particularly sensitive, which Pisces people tend to be. Aquamarine protects Pisces people from unwanted and negative outside influences. Pisces can feel people’s negative energies and are often unable to prevent them from infiltrating their being. Aquamarine helps to create boundaries by revealing outside influences.  

Aquamarine supports self-expression, communication, and creativity
Aquamarine supports self-expression, communication, and creativity

Credit: Eelco

Amethyst (February)

The secondary stone for Pisces is amethyst. Amethyst strongly enhances their spiritual side by opening their Third Eye and Crown Chakras. Amethyst opens up spiritual sensitivity but also prevents unwanted influences from entering those pathways. Any negative energy that is picked up by the heightened sensitivity of Pisces is negated and transformed by amethyst, making it a necessary stone for this sign to have around. 

In addition to the Pisces birthstones of aquamarine and amethyst, other stones that resonate with Pisces include moonstone and fluorite, which enhance their intuitive abilities and provide emotional support. Explore our comprehensive guide on Pisces zodiac crystals to discover more crystals that align with their energy.


How to use zodiac crystals?

To use zodiac crystals, start by identifying your sun sign (zodiac sign) and its associated crystals. Cleanse and charge the crystal according to your preferred method, such as moonlight or sage. Carry the crystal with you, wear it as jewelry, or place it in your environment. Set intentions and focus your energy on aligning with the qualities of your zodiac sign to harness the crystal’s energy effectively.

What zodiac sign is amethyst?

Amethyst is associated with the zodiac sign Aquarius. It is a beautiful purple crystal that aligns with Aquarius’ intuitive and spiritual nature. It is also the secondary birthstone for Pisces. Amethyst promotes calmness, clarity, and spiritual growth, making it an ideal crystal for individuals born under both of these zodiac signs.

What is the rarest birthstone?

The rarest birthstone is considered to be alexandrite.  It is one of the three birthstones associated with June, alongside pearl and moonstone. This stunning gemstone is known for its color-changing properties, shifting from green in daylight to red in incandescent light. Alexandrite is highly valued for its rarity and unique optical effects, making it one of the most sought-after and rare birthstones.

Which crystal is best for me?

The best crystal for you depends on your specific needs and intentions. It is recommended to explore crystals that resonate with your zodiac sign, as they can enhance your innate qualities. Additionally, consider your personal goals and areas of focus, such as love, abundance, or emotional healing. Research crystals associated with those intentions and choose the one that intuitively resonates with you the most.

Do birthstones go by month or zodiac?

Birthstones are typically associated with the month in which you were born. Each month has a designated birthstone that is believed to bring specific qualities and energies to individuals born during that month. However, not to be confused – zodiac stones are associated with specific signs of the zodiac and are based on astrological beliefs. While birthstones go by the month, zodiac stones go by the zodiac sign, providing different perspectives and more diverse options for selecting a gemstone that is aligned with your needs.

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Nia MacKenzie

Founder & Curator

Nia graduated from the University of Surrey with an MSc in Psychology. Her greatest passion is the mission to inspire people to unlock their true potential, which is why she dedicated her time to the creation of Vivify Tribe.

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